Maintenance and Accelerator Support RHIC Start Up 12
Accelerator Status: EBIS, LINAC, Booster and AGS are presently setting up with beam. EBIS, LINAC, Booster and AGS are presently setting up with beam. Access to AGS and Booster scheduled around failure. Access to AGS and Booster scheduled around failure. Submit desired jobs to the job request system. Submit desired jobs to the job request system. AGS extraction setup in progress. AGS extraction setup in progress. No Access to U downstream, W, X and Y lines. No Access to U downstream, W, X and Y lines. Any access to be scheduled. Any access to be scheduled. Maintenance Tomorrow. Maintenance Tomorrow.
RHIC status: Tunnel and IRs on Restricted Access. Tunnel and IRs on Restricted Access. Shielding in place, awaiting inspection. Shielding in place, awaiting inspection. No Access, eves and nights starting January 20 th. No Access, eves and nights starting January 20 th. Presently ODH1 in the tunnel. Presently ODH1 in the tunnel. Berm areas of RHIC are secured, scheduled access only. Berm areas of RHIC are secured, scheduled access only. 4k wave started on time today. 4k wave started on time today.
This week: Controlled/Radiation area postings at RHIC, ring road. Controlled/Radiation area postings at RHIC, ring road. Wednesday – Saturday (Following 4k wave): Wednesday – Saturday (Following 4k wave): Secure any normally locked/fenced areas as necessary. Secure any normally locked/fenced areas as necessary. Power supply and Cryogenic work during the day/evening. Power supply and Cryogenic work during the day/evening. Beam work evenings/nights starting 1/21 Beam work evenings/nights starting 1/21 Select areas of the ring secured during the daytime. Schedule for securing TBD. Select areas of the ring secured during the daytime. Schedule for securing TBD. When RHIC is ready for beam, secure experimental areas When RHIC is ready for beam, secure experimental areas
During the Ramp Up. Injectors will remain closed and running with beam. Injectors will remain closed and running with beam. Any RHIC access will be scheduled at daily meetings. Any RHIC access will be scheduled at daily meetings. Daily schedules will be published on the Web and displayed on the CATV system. Daily schedules will be published on the Web and displayed on the CATV system. E-lens Phase shifter tests will occur after power supply checkout is complete. E-lens Phase shifter tests will occur after power supply checkout is complete.
Tomorrow's Maintenance LINAC tube replacement. LINAC tube replacement. Mod 6 (BLIP remains on). Mod 6 (BLIP remains on). Booster off from hrs Booster off from hrs Access from hrs. Access from hrs. OPPIS source maintenance. OPPIS source maintenance. AGS off from hrs. AGS off from hrs. RF maintenance and repair. RF maintenance and repair. Scheduling here 1430hrs. Scheduling here 1430hrs.