Exploring the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt A web quest by Brad Burnham
Introduction As we have learned, a Pharaoh was a king in Ancient Egypt. These kings were usually males and were greatly loved by their people. They were looked on to be gods and were preserved even after death through the process of mummification.
Task In this web quest, you will: Work within a group to research each of the Pharaohs we talked about briefly during our unit. Use internet sources, books and write a report on your Pharaoh Present report to the class and teach each other about your Pharaoh.
Process Choose up to 2 partners from your classmates As a group, choose one of the Pharaohs we have discussed during the unit –Khufu –Menes –Cleopatra VII –Hatshepsut –Tutankhamen
Process Cont. Use the internet, books and other resources to research your Pharaoh as a group. Write a report as a group on you Pharaoh and include in the report –Important events of reign –Influence on their people –Significance in history Present your report to the class
Resources ult.aspxhttp:// ult.aspx s_01.shtmlhttp:// s_01.shtml e/valley-of-kings.htmlhttp:// e/valley-of-kings.html 1_2.htmlhttp:// 1_2.html vernment.htmhttp:// vernment.htm m.html
Evaluation For a grade of “A” on this web quest assignment: –Groups need to work together as a team and cover all required topics of the assignment –Groups need to use various sources and site each source. Any use of wikipedia will be given a grade of “F” –Present to the class and teach the class about their Pharaoh
Conclusion –By the time we have completed the web quest, we would have learned more in depth about the pharaohs that we were unable to cover in depth during class. You will learn about Khufu, Menes, Cleopatra VII, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen. You will learn about their importance to their people and in history. I challenge you to use this exercise to teach your classmates and learn from each other. Are you up to the challenge!