Ancient Egypt consisted of Upper and Lower Egypt. E. Napp
Lower Egypt was located near the Mediterranean Sea. E. Napp
Upper Egypt was located in southern Egypt. E. Napp
It is important to realize that the Nile River originates in southern Egypt. E. Napp
About 3000 B. C. , a pharaoh named Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt About 3000 B.C., a pharaoh named Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt. Menes established Egypt’s first dynasty. A dynasty is a ruling family. E. Napp
The Ancient Egyptians believed that Pharaoh was a god-king or a divine ruler. E. Napp
But Egypt was too vast to be ruled by the pharaoh alone But Egypt was too vast to be ruled by the pharaoh alone. A large group of priests, nobles, and governors shared his authority. E. Napp
A large group of people who do government work is known as a bureaucracy. E. Napp
The priests were responsible for seeing that the gods were worshipped in the proper ways. E. Napp
If the forms of worship were not correct, the gods might become angry and punish the people with failed crops or sickness. E. Napp
The ancient Egyptians believed that a person’s spirit lived after death. E. Napp
They mummified the dead to ensure that the spirit could enjoy the afterlife. E. Napp
To mummify the dead, the internal organs had to be removed To mummify the dead, the internal organs had to be removed. The brain had to be removed through the nose. E. Napp
Some dynasties built pyramids as tombs for deceased pharaohs. E. Napp
The ancient Egyptians were very advanced The ancient Egyptians were very advanced. They developed a system of geometry to help landowners measure their land. A knowledge of geometry was important to the pyramid builders. E. Napp
The Nile River and the Neolithic Revolution made civilization possible in Egypt. E. Napp