Change Monitoring System CMS 5(S) Baten (DSK), Hannah (shiree) and Sonia (Uttaran)
Purpose To provide a qualitative longitudinal study which documents the dynamics of extreme poverty as it is experienced and the changes in beneficiaries’ lives as a result of project interventions. Emphasis on how HHs are responding to interventions, and on the context and relationships within which they live. Q2 – triangulation - ask the “why”?
Methodology Life histories: look in-depth at the original positions of households before the project. - Where is a HH coming from? Reflections on the intervention. - Tracks change in HHs throughout the intervention. -Different members of the HH; investment and reinvestment. Life-cycle approach; captures chronic experience of extreme poverty as well as short-term change. 36 Households (currently 6 per SF). Ranking – diets, employment and assets (income generation)
Well-being ranking CategoryDiets (meals a day) EmploymentAssets (Income generation) 1. Destitute1 meal Nothing in difficult times Begging/dependenc e on others None 2. Working extreme poor 2 meals 1 in difficult times Labourer or domestic maid Virtually none – Rely on labour power 3. Moderate poor3 meals 2 in difficult times Small IGAs or business combined with casual labour Some IGAs, business or skills, may lease land. 4. Lower earning (non-poor) 3 meals No reduction Larger scale occupations with assets or higher skilled work Greater value of assets, higher scale business or skill (may require education) 5. Middle elite3 meals No reduction Medium scale employer, money lender or trader (wider distances) Greater 6. Wealthy elite3 meals No reduction Expensive side dishes Large-scaleEven greater
Case of MS MS (33) lives with his wife (30) and two daughters(8 and 6). He lives at Kalaberia village of Noapara union of Debhata upazilla, Satkhira District. He became a beneficiary of Uttaran- Shiree partnership project (SEMPTI) in IGA and Land assistance: March-April, st IGA PL- 5,200 taka August 10, Permanent Settlement Deed of 1 acre of land (Fish Production) Dec nd Phase of IGA Assistance 5,200 taka- 6 goats April-May rd Phase of IGA Assistance taka- Golda PL Mat for Latrine Wall-1200
Nasrin Alam Nasrin Alam (26 years old) has been living at Korail slum for seven years including her husband and a 3 years son She was born at Barisal Her husband came from Rangpur She was enlisted for DSK-Shiree project in June 2009 Received training, assets from DSK-Shiree since February 2010
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