Film and Publication Board 07/08 Annual report
LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The Film and Publication Board (FPB) is a legal entity established in accordance with the Film and Publications Act, It performs the functions, exercise powers and discharge duties assigned to it by the Act to ensure that the following objectives of the Act are achieved; regulating the creation, production, possession, broadcasting and distribution of films, interactive computer games and certain publications; providing consumer advice to enable adults to make informed viewing, reading and gaming choices, both for themselves and for children in their care; protecting children from exposure to disturbing and harmful materials and from pre-mature exposure to adult experiences; and making the use of children in pornography punishable
Core activities…. 1) Classification 2) Compliance monitoring 3) Research. 4) Protection of Children
VISION AND MISSION VISION A credible and visible content- classification authority- MISSION We regulate the media environment through the classification of content, by: Maintaining relevance to the values and norms of South African society through scientific research; and Balance the right to freedom expression with an obligation to protect children from exposure to potentially disturbing, harmful and inappropriate materials; and Protect children from sexual exploitation in media content, in order to educate the broader South African society to make informed choices
The FPB also contributes to… 1) Prevention of crime through partnering with SAPS, SARS etc in the fight against piracy 2) Directing anti-child pornography campaigns whilst protecting the rights of children 3) Efforts aimed at creating an industry database
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES SO1- To ensure an enhanced, integrated and constitutionally sound regulatory framework, so as to enable informed choices about media content whilst creating a healthy and child safe media environment. SO2- To develop and maintain organisational capacity and capability to ensure effective management and implementation of the Act SO3- To enhance leadership and management of the Film and Publication Board resulting in sound corporate governance and compliance SO4- To ensure that the business and work of the FPB reflects contemporary norms and values, by forming and maintaining national and international partnerships and coordinating initiatives that support the business of the FPB SO5- To position the FPB as a visible and credible, professionally run organisation that regulates media through classification content
Click to edit Master subtitle style Performance Information 07/08
Click to edit Master subtitle style Performance Overview 07/08 Celebration of ten years of service Accomplishment of strategic objectives as per performance information report Unqualified audit report
Click to edit Master subtitle style Performance Information Operations
Classification Classification of 7097 films, publications and interactive games for the year Research: Audience participation research to inform classification guidelines – Exploring the FPB classification guidelines and viewing choices of children Research on a performance management system for examiners Collaborative relationships formed with broadcasters Three Appeals received, FPB decisions upheld by the Review Board
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level Child Protection Intensified stakeholder relations – Law enforcement agencies, key Industry players, NGO’s dealing with child abuse Appointment and training of Internet Content Analysts Support, advice and training provided for police and prosecutors Intensified community outreach programs Research: The incidence and impact of sexual abuse of children through information and communication technology (cell phones & Internet ) Approximately 3000 calls received via the FPB anti - child pornography hotline, three cases referred to the police
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level » Fifth level SO1: Compliance monitoring Increased compliance monitoring activities and capacity Joint Raids with police – confiscation of over illegal material Partnerships formed with SALGA to improve compliance of adult shops Increased registrations by major retailers Low levels of compliance by ISPs and Nollywood distributors Research: International investigation into Compliance Monitoring Investigation into the Compliance of Cinemas with the Films and Publications Act of 1996
Performance : Support Units Consolidation of policies and procedures Focus on risk management Organisational Review Implementation of Business systems and processes- all policies and procedures reviewed ICT infrastructure upgraded Partnerships formed with NGOs, academic institutions and credible research institutions Development of a Branding and Communications Strategy
Challenges Technological innovations – difficulty to monitor the internet, mobile platforms etc Funding – allocation from NT insufficient, more effort to be put in place to expand FPB revenue base (SEXPOs, Film Festivals, Games Arcade) Internal systems and processes Tarrifs structure – complaints from industry Industry issues – tarrifs structure, piracy, distribution rights etc
Financial Overview FPB Funding Model - Grant received from DHA R19.2m which was 24% lower than that received in 06/07 - Regulation Fees- approximately R12m was collected as a result of increased material submitted for classification (Appr.50 % higher than what was collected in 06/07) - The FPB recorded a deficit of R2,402, new structure – setting of the new child protection unit, decline in revenue from classification
Grant subsidy, Regulation Fees and other income
Income and Expenditure
Financial Overview Major spending went towards key research projects- Infrastructure for the development of the anti-child pornography unit-i.e outreach programmes Personnel Expenditure increased in line with the approved organisational structure and filling of key positions
Personnel Expenditure and other operating expenses
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2323 DESCRIPTION 2008 (Rands) 2007 (Rands) 2006 (Rands) REVENUE31,650,15135,704,89615,003,726 Grant Subsidy19,206,00025,933,0006,774,000 Regulation Fees12,032,6828,096,3007,487,031 Other Income1,000,9661,675,596742,695 EXPENDITURE (34,642,139)(32,641,427)(16,364,886) Personnel Expenditure17,319,177(14,218,055)(9,020,203) Other Operating Expenses17,322,962(18,423,373)(7,534,165) (Deficit) / Surplus(2,402,491)3,063,469(1,550,642)
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 2424 DESCRIPTION 2008 (Rands) 2007 (Rands) 2006 (Rands) ASSETS14,182,60014,846,48722,158,116 Non Current Assets6,495,3963,219,2021,594,154 Current Assets7,687,20311,627,28520,563,962 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 14,182,60014,846,48722,158,116 Capital and Reserves8,171,28210,573,7736,484,246 Non current liabilities440,956354,769 Current Liabilities5,703614,199,06515,673,870
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