Irvine Unified School District Library Media Elementary Type to Learn 4
Staff Logins Created automatically from list submitted by Media Tech Submit lists to Jason Miles as an Excel List must contain three columns – First Name – Last Name – Username Passwords will be set to 12345
Student Logins - Creation Student Logins are created automatically with an import from Eagle Student’s usernames and passwords use the following convention – Username: Permanent ID Number – Password: 4 digit ID Number – Example: Username: Password: 5756
Student Logins - Explanation The permanent ID was selected as the username for two reasons: – The first reason is the username field in Type to Learn is limited to 12 characters. This would create situations where only the students first initial is used to distinguish them. – The second reason is this system allows commonality with the district’s online assessment system, IOLA. The 4 Digit ID was also selected for two reasons: – Media Techs decided this was the best choice at our Sept 10, 2010 meeting.
Student Logins – Cautions Do NOT add student users – Because they are added automatically, manually added users cause import problems that can cascade throughout the district Please report any missing students to Jason Miles’s with the word TTL in the subject. Do NOT use the student import function under any circumstances – Even if you know how to do this safely, it can create support issues in the future
Questions About Logins
How to Use TTL4 The quick and easy method for IUSD (Do you really want to read the 120 page manual?)
Interface Options (Web vs. App) You can access the TTL management functions two ways, either through the web, or via the TTL application – The web interface is accessed at You need to put in your username, your password, and IUSD’s account code (118985). – The application is the same one that the students will use, you just click on the “Management” button. Both interfaces have all the same options on each page, but the layout differs slightly. – We will be looking at the application today because the application is faster.
Logging In
Accessing the Management Screen
User Management This is the screen you will use to change student passwords We will also show you some of the interface conventions throughout Type to Learn
Selecting When you select any item, a student, a teacher, or a class additional options appear The only available buttons are the ones that you can use
Changing Passwords Click the “Edit Student” button This will bring up the dialog box to the right Enter the password you would like the student to use Click the “Save Changes” button This saves the changes to the workstation, but you still need to upload them to the TTL servers
Uploading Changes to TTL Servers This is used across the management interface Once you have made a change, two new buttons become available – Cancel Changes – This reverts any changes you have made to what is on the server – Save Changes – This saves any changes you have made on the current screen to the server
Class Management This is the screen you will use to create classes and place students in the created classes You will only see your own classes in this window. – Teachers must create and manage their own classes
Creating a class When you highlight a teacher name, “Create New Class” becomes active.
Creating a Class When you click “Create New Class” you will see the dialog box to the left. Enter Class Name here – This can be whatever helps you be more organized, as the teacher name is already recorded. Semester should always show “Current Semester” Enter Grade Level here Class Period and Room Number are optional fields
Creating a Class In this version, Craig is a teacher. He has created his class, “3 rd Grade”.
Class Management – Edit Class When the class is selected, the Edit Class and Delete class become active
Class Management – Adding Students After selecting the class you wish to add students to (example: 3 rd Grade) – Select the students in the “Master Student List” You can search for the students in the “Find Student” box. You can limit the display to a specific grade level with the “Only display grade:” checkbox and drop-down box You can select multiple students by Ctrl+clicking – After you have selected the students you wish to add, click “Add To Class” – To upload your changes to the server, click “Save Changes”
Class Management – Adding Students Once you’ve added the students, they will appear in the window on the left.
Student Reports Interactive demo due to extensive information overload.
Creating Custom Content Still more information overload.
User Options Mein Gott! More information! Please watch demo.