1. What does the term ablation refer to? a) retreating of a glacier b) melting of a glacier c) accumulation of a glacier d) saturation of a glacier 2. What area of the glacier moves the fastest? a) top and middle b) the snout c) the sides d) the end
3. The debris load attached to glacial ice gouges, scratches and polishes rock surfaces is referred to as: a) plucking b) solution c) drift d) abrasion 4. Deposits that are sorted and stratified: a) drift b) outwash c) till d) rock flour
5. Arm-like depression carved out by a glacier: a) tarn b) horn c) cirque d) arête 6. Mountain lake that was formerly a cirque: a) tarn b) col c) arête d) truncated spur
Name that feature! 7. a)Horn b)Col c)Arête d)Hanging Valley
Name that feature! 8. a)Col b)Arete c)Truncated Spur d)Hanging Valley
Name that feature! 9. a)Arête b)Horn c)Col d)Cirque
Name that feature! 10. a)Col b)Arête c)Hanging Valley d)Cirque