Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz Anton Taurok Institute for High Energy Physics, Vienna Hannes Sakulin CERN Annual Review CERN, 24 Sep Global Trigger Global Muon Trigger
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz2 URL’s This talk may be found at: More detailed transparencies prepared by H. Sakulin about the Global Muon Trigger may be found at: GMT-IntReview24Sep2001.pdf More detailed transparencies about the Global Trigger prepared by A. Taurok and presented at the Trigger Meeting on Tuesday, 25 Sep. 2001, may be found at: GT_GTM_status_Sept01.ppt General information about the Global Trigger and the Global Muon Trigger is available at:
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz3 Global Trigger Environment
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz4 Board Layout of the Global Trigger Processor PSB (Pipeline Synchronizing Buffer)Input synchronization GTL (Global Trigger Logic) Logic calculation FDL (Final Decision Logic) L1A decision TCS (Trigger Control System Module)Trigger Control NEW: L1A (Level-1 Accept Module)Delivery of L1A TIM (Timing Board)Timing GTFE (Global Trigger Frontend) Readout
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz5 Global Trigger 9U Crate (old)
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz6 Global Trigger 9U Crate
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz7 Global Trigger Rack
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz8 Global Trigger Progress and Milestones Milestone March 2002: System Test This includes the backplane, the PSB-6U, GTL-6U, FDL-9U and TIM-9U. The GTFE and the GMT are not included. 4Backplane-6U: Prototype available 4PSB-6U: available. Channel Link receivers used. GTL-6U: Automatic chip design and setup procedure developed. Layout for a 20 channel GTL (4 , 4 isol. e/ , 4 central jets, 4 fwd jets, E T, E T miss, 8 jet multiplicities; other quadruplets can be connected alternatively for tests) is currently being finished pin Altera FPGA 20k400E included for evaluation. The layout of a conversion board to be used later in final 9U-crate is ready. It contains also memories in FPGA’s to send simulated test data to the GTL-6U board. FDL-9U: Design with 8 final OR’s in progress. TIM-9U: The design of the board is nearly finished. The board contains a TTCrx chip and provides all timing signals for the GT crate. It will be used also in the Drift Tube Track Finder crates. An FPGA provides all necessary test functions to run the crate without the central TTC clock. It simulates also L1A requests for monitoring or to test the readout chain.
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz9 Global Trigger Progress and Milestones Milestone July 2002: TCS-9U ready TCS-9U: The main functions are defined but the design is still open for additional requests (calibration logic etc.) Trigger Partitions: The maximum number of subsystems is fixed (32). A preliminary agreement about the output to the DAQ Event Manager is has been reached. The input format of Fast Signals should be fixed soon. 5 coded bits per subsystem, sent as parallel data, are proposed. The TCS board provides data for the standard TTCvi as well as for a ”CMS- TTCvi”, but different interface boards are required. L1A driver module to be used with CMS-TTCvi has been conceived.
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz10 Global Trigger Progress and Milestones Milestone October 2002: 9U backplane ready The design with the GTLp 80 MHz and Channel Links is in progress. Milestone June 2003: Complete GT prototype available Integration tests possible from this date. GTFE-9U: Conceptual design of readout board done. Milestone July 2004: 12-channel PSB-9U available PSB-9U: Conceptual design done. Will have memories inside FPGA’s. Milestone Nov. 2004: Complete GT available Includes GTL-9U module with all 32 input channels (4 , 4 isol. e/ , 4 non-isol. e/ , 4 central jets, 4 forward jets, 4 -jets, E T, E T miss, 8 jet multiplicities). The Global Muon Trigger will have been completed by Nov
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz11 Global Muon Trigger RPC CaloTrigger DTBXCSC PACT Pattern Comparator TRACO Track Correlator Trigger Server DT Barrel Track Finder Wire cards Strip cards Motherboard CSC Endcap Track Finder DT Sorter CSC Sorter RPC Sorter CAL Readout Regional CALO Trigger GLOBAL MUON TRIGGER GLOBAL L1 TRIGGER GLOBAL CALORIMETER TRIGGER 4+4 4 MIP & quiet bits (2x 252) HEPHY Vienna BolognaRice Florida BariBristol BTI Bunch & Time ID Warsaw Wisconsin L1 Accept ………… max. 100 kHz Pipe- lined 40 MHz
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz12 Tasks and Location of the Global Muon Trigger Receive Muon Candidates from DT, CSC and RPC Triggers Find the best 4 muons in the detector Make use of the complementarity of the muon trigger systems (DT/RPC barrel, CSC/RPC endcap) increase efficiency reduce ghosts reduce trigger rate by improving p T assignment Add MIP and Quiet bits from the calorimeter trigger Forward best 4 muons to the Global L1 Trigger GMT is located in the GT crate. It consists of 3 input boards (PSB) for the calorimeter information and 1 logic board. 3 additional slots used due to connectors.
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz13 Principle of the Global Muon Trigger Inputs: 8 bit , 6 bit , 5 bit p T, 1 bit charge, 3 bit quality Output: 8 bit , 6 bit , 5 bit p T, 1 bit charge, 3 bit quality, 1 bit MIP, 1 bit Isolation Further Inputs: MIP and Quiet Bits of 252 calorimeter regions Responsible: H. Sakulin, A. Taurok, C.-E. Wulz 3 programmable merging modes: winner/loser parameter selection parameter mixing
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz14 Global Muon Trigger Schedule Milestones / Plans: 2001Logic design, ORCA + VHDL Simulation Dec 2001 Logic design finished 2002VHDL Simulation, Design of FPGA chips Dec 2002FPGA design finished 2003 Production of VME 9U Boards 2004/05 Integration tests, production of spare boards
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz15 Progress towards GMT milestones Dec 2001: Logic design finished Progress in detailed logic design Chip Models selected (mostly Virtex II), interconnections defined Design compacted (external RAMs moved into big FPGAs) Improvement of functionality DT/CSC cancel-out unit (improved performance in barrel/endcap overlap region) in parallel: ORCA simulation extended and improved Continuous studies to optimize GMT design parameters and performance –CMS Note 2001/003 published: H. Sakulin, M. Fierro, “Studies of the Global Muon Trigger Performance” Detailed GMT design document in preparation VHDL behavioral level simulation has started Dec 2002: FPGA design finished FPGA models have been selected Synthesis tools are being evaluated
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz16 New: GMT solution with 1 logic board
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz17 Simulation - muon 2001 production
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz18 Simulation - muon 2001 production GMT optimized as in ORCA rate at 20 GeV/c: 3.1 kHz L1 efficiency (*) : 96.6 % re-tuned GMT selection: Only three-station CSC tracks used without RPC confirmation rate at 20 GeV/c: 1.4 kHz L1 efficiency (*) : 96.3 % (*) efficiency to find muon of any p T in flat p T sample Rate from unconfirmed 2-station CSC tracks GMT single muon trigger rates (p T > 16 GeV/c) ORCA re-tuned GMT
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz19 L1 efficiency with retuned GMT GMT efficiency to find any muon in a flat p T sample as in ORCA w/o RPC noise ORCA eff= 96.6% re-tunedeff= 96.3 % Efficiency contribution from CSC Q2 muons (lost with re-tuning) Efficiency/%
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz20 Single muon rates Trigger rate at 20 GeV/c (re-tuned GMT) 1.4 kHz (last year: 2.9 kHz) Generated rate at 20 GeV/c ~120 Hz (last year: ~200 Hz)
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz21 Dimuon rates
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz22 Single muon and dimuon trigger rates
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz23 GT and GMT Manpower System Engineer: A. Taurok CERN Doctoral Student: H. Sakulin (Logic and Hardware Design of GMT) Technicians: (shared with DTTF and other activities) H. Bergauer, M. Padrta, K. Kastner (in Vienna) Ch. Deldicque (at CERN) Physicists: M. Fierro, A. Jeitler, C.-E. Wulz (mainly working on GT/GMT) N. Neumeister, P. Porth, H. Rohringer, L. Rurua (partly working on other activities) L. Boldizsar (GT simulation, about 4 months per year in 2001 and 2002)
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz24 Conclusions Progress in hardware design as planned Global Trigger: Layout of GTL-6U almost ready Timing module designed Other modules also on track Design of TCS system updated Global Muon Trigger: FPGA chips selected Design compacted New solution with one logic board VHDL simulation has started
Annual Review, 24 Sept Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz25 Conclusions New simulation results with muon 2001 production for Global Muon Trigger p T -cut was lower than in last year’s production improved CSC trigger & GMT can cope with higher background rate trigger rates with improved trigger are lower despite higher background (even after taking into account the changed sample normalization)