1 Division of Student Affairs State of the Division Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
2 Every Day Greatness We have made the Choice to ACT – We will act and not be acted Upon We have made the Choice of Principles – Work with principles that lead students, staff and faculty to better places in their lives We have made the Choice of Purpose – We do this work to make a difference Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
3 Our Work Yesterday “Never Mistake Motion for Action” “When it Comes to a Fork in the Road, Take It” Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
4 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Highlights Shift work focus from Service Organization to Learning Organization Increased partnerships with Academic Affairs, Sponsored Research, University Advancement; and Regional Campuses Re-organized Division to focus on student learning and student outcomes
5 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Highlights Whole Student approach: –Student life –Student learning –Student development –Student services, and –Student success
6 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Highlights Senior Level Staff Hired (E-Team) with a operational focus on: –Communication –Collaboration –Synergy –Best Practices –Training and Development –Leadership
7 The Divisional Fiscal Health Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
8 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time E&G Budget 308 Million – Total University
9 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Divisional Funding Sources 64 Million Divisional Budget – All Sources
10 Activity and Service Funding Student Affairs Programs/Services Student Government Student Organizations Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time 11 Million
11 Our Work Today “I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity an obligation, every possession, a duty” Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
12 Student Learning and Community Building Dr. Jim Dragna Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
13 Defining Student Learning Learning integrates the acquisition, application, and synthesis of knowledge with the processes of identity and personal development – it is meaning making Such integrated learning is transformative – the learner is changed The campus is a learning community Campuses support transformation learning Student Affairs is accountable for student outcomes Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
14 Major Initiatives Learning and Living Communities Identifying and developing additional learning support services Advocating for students with disabilities Educating within a diverse community Succeeding as First Generation Students Global Leadership in Student Affairs Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
15 Student Development Dr. Tracy Tyree Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
16 Student Development Help students understand themselves better in the context of their work with others Impact students’ moral and ethical development as we challenge and support their decision making Engage students in an exploration of their understanding of themselves as they question who they are, what they believe, and how they relate to the world Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
17 Major Initiatives (A) Collaboration with Undergraduate Studies and the Graduate School Steering team for orientation programs Substance Education and Awareness Team (SEAT) Student leadership development through co- curricular experiences Professional development across student affairs Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
18 Major Initiatives (B) Team Wellness Partnership opportunities with USF Health Graduate and professional student life Development of new student transition experiences An integrated (curricular and co-curricular) focus on leadership development for a global environment Infectious disease event planning Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
19 Student Involvement and Engagement Dr. Kevin Banks Assistant Vice President/Dean for Students Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
20 Facilitator of Student Engagement & Involvement Ensuring Campus Connections for new students Cultivating leadership through formal & informal participation in clubs & organizations Ensuring respect for rights and responsibilities of self and others Facilitate social & civic responsibility Promoting learning outside of the classroom Promoting Bull Pride Creating & sustaining an atmosphere of excitement & fun! Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
21 Major Initiatives Greek Life Assessment & strategic plan development Creation of Golden Bulls Leadership Awards Standardization of system wide judicial protocols Creation of Dean for Students web site Promote academic & service recognition for student athletes – Arthur Ashe Scholars Tampa Alcohol Coalition Policy Reviews Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
22 Student Service and Facilities Guy Conway Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
23 Fostering a Positive Learning Environment Facilitate building an environment that encourage students to take advantage of all aspects of the university Focus on Learner Centered Campus Community & Connectivity Enhancing communication with students Facilitate Campus and Tampa Bay community events Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
24 Major Initiatives Enhancing campus service quality Enhancing communication through division wide marketing efforts Divisional Information Technology Workgroup Facilities oversight and management Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
25 The Work Tomorrow “Vision helps us see the possibilities of tomorrow within the realities of today, and motivates us to do what needs to be done.” Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
26 USF Strategic Plan Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
27 University Goals Expanding world-class interdisciplinary research, creative, and scholarly endeavors, Promoting globally competitive undergraduate, graduate and professional programs that support interdisciplinary inquiry, intellectual Expanding local and global engagement initiatives to strengthen and sustain healthy communities and to improve the quality of life, and Enhancing all sources of revenue, and maximizing effectiveness in business practices and financial management to establish a strong and sustainable economic base in support of USF’s growth. Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
28 Focus on an Integrated Student Experience: Student Development Student Involvement Student Learning Student Involvement Student Service Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
29 Develop a strategic investment approach by competitively funding initiatives that build programmatic strength, increase capabilities and capture opportunities Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
30 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Evaluate and Address Staffing needs to meet the new goals and objectives of the university and division
31 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Develop a Comprehensive Communication plan that consistently communicates accurately to all campus constituencies
32 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Examine student safety issues on campus and develop a comprehensive plan
33 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Address the student persistence to graduation rate and work to improve
34 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Create excellence in our programs and services that will be recognized by the highest levels of public and private support
35 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Link people and resources to address issues that affect the quality of life on campus
36 Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time Provide students with the latest educational and life tools for success while attending USF but also for life long use
37 Continue to adjust and alter the organization to achieve optimal collaboration and functioning Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
38 Conduct a Divisional Salary equity study to determine salary equity Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
39 On the Road to Success there are many Tempting Parking Places Let’s be determined not to Park too Long Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
40 The Division of Student Affairs Is: Confident of it’s direction and purpose Consistently monitor our progress toward desired goals Open to innovative and promising approaches to teaching and learning An evidence oriented organization and utilizes this information to inform our decision making Systematic evaluation and improvement is an ongoing process Committed to enriching the lives and the work of all personnel Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time
41 Questions!! Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together. Inspiring Learning, Changing Lives, One Student At A Time