1 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Roadmap for the development of STS module demonstrators Concept Common interfaces/dimensions Some technical.


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Presentation transcript:

1 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Roadmap for the development of STS module demonstrators Concept Common interfaces/dimensions Some technical questions Johann M. Heuser STS Workgroup Meeting CBM08 JINR Dubna, 15 October 2008

2 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System GSI detector test board – "Demonstrator 0" p-side Bias connections Bonding scheme, AC-pads Start-up of silicon lab activities at GSI First glimpse on detector performance Compatible with connection to n-XYTER kit 10 cm

3 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Reference tracking station - under design "Demonstrator 0a" multi-purpose, 1-chip "n-XYTER kit" 2-chip board PANDA GEM TPC 4-chip board, "CBM ref. tracking station" Cooperation with GSI Detector Lab on n-XYTER readout: Chr. Schmidt, R. Lalik Three projects: (GSI)

4 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Kharkov/Dubna test board – "Demonstrator 0b" detector CBM01B2 contacts to 2  256 strips connection of strips to ERNI connectors via micro-cables readout via 2  2 n-XYTER kit boards First steps towards using micro-cables:  Testbeam at IHEP Protvino, 11/ cm Under design (V. Borshchov et al, SE SRTIIE) CBM01B2

5 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Kharkov/Dubna test board – "Demonstrator 0b" (V. Borshchov et al, SE SRTIIE Kharkov)... produced 9/2008

6 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Towards "Demonstrator 1" First steps towards using small detector system ("ladder"): CBM-MPD STS Consortium FEB prototype Define in a tech document: specs of sensors + cables  For 2009 

7 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype Defining the interfaces: 1) Microstrip detectors p side (stereo angle 15 deg) o o o n side (strips parallel to edge) Min. distance for analog cables + | tab bonding ? ? new detector designs: 1024 strips, pitch ~ 60 µm (fine-tuning, e.g. 58 µm) depending on max. detector width on 4" wafer. existing CBM01: 1024 strips, pitch 50.7 µm distance depending on space for poly-Si bias resistors AC pads ~ 80 x 200 µm

8 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype 8 n-XYTER chips + ADC + voltage regulators + connector-out Si substrate Defining the interfaces: 2) Front-End Board non-structured back-side: good for cooling r/o chips bump-bonded, face-down 8 x 128 precision input lines, Al on Si, 50.7 µm pitch  that's the primary motivation for the Si substrate !!! component side: Al lithography 1 or 2 layers, gold plated where necessary, discrete power lines if required  Project at GSI technical details of Si substrate to be explored, e.g. with IMEC, Belgium

9 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Technology for Front-End Board

10 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype Defining the interfaces: 3) Analog cables Three applications: 1.short readout cables 2.long readout cables 3.daisy-chain cables in two versions: for p and for n-side of detectors and for two kind of detectors: new design iteration (with ~ 60µm strip pitch) fallback: CBM01 (with 50.7µm strip pitch)  12 different cable layouts  rather similar layout but nevertheless different  just small quantities needed  should fit on a few Al sheets

11 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype Defining the interfaces: 3) Analog cables 3.1) daisy-chain cables: - maybe ~1 cm long - single layer with 50.7/60µ line pitch  in principle, but maybe not possible on stereo side due to overlap of lines >> to be double-checked<<  double-layer instead (effectively: two single cables with twice the line pitch) !!seems much easier to achieve!! 1a) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for p-side "/" 1b) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for n-side "|" 2a) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for p-side "/" 2b) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for n-side "|" to be drawn with correct aspect ratio single-layer cable double-layer cable 100/120µm 50.7/60µm 100/120µm upper layer lower layer p-side similar for n-side but with straight contacts

12 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype Defining the interfaces: 3) Analog cables 3.2) long readout cables: - maybe ~15 cm long - double-layer cable (effectively: two single cables) 1a) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for p-side "/" 1b) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for n-side "|" 2a) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for p-side "/" 2b) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for n-side "|" to be drawn with correct aspect ratio double-layer cable 100/120µm upper layer lower layer 100/120µm upper layer lower layer p-side n-side

13 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Layout of the module FEB prototype Defining the interfaces: 3) Analog cables 3.3) short readout cables: - maybe ~4 cm long - double-layer cable (effectively: two single cables) 1a) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for p-side "/" 1b) 1024 lines, pitch 100 µm, for n-side "|" 2a) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for p-side "/" 2b) 1024 lines, pitch ~120 µm, for n-side "|" short version of the long readout cables

14 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Sensors / Cables Re-defining the interfaces: n-sidep-siden-sidep-side 0°0° 15° -7.5° +7.5° STS performance simulation still pending

15 J.M. Heuser – CBM Silicon Tracking System Demonstrator 2 (family) ? what to demonstrate ? full-size ladder ? radiation hard sensors ? sensor cooling ? mechanical stability ? system integration ?