By: Josh Gangl
The ogene is a african musical instrument that looks like a type of gong. It is used to play music in the African culture for many different things ranging from ceremonies to just for fun.
The obi in the story is a house, in which the head of the house, which is usually a man, lives in. It also usually can have a few rooms instead of one main room.
Wrestling in their culture can determine what kind of respect they get from other villagers and what kind of life they will have.
The chi is a person’s personal god in african culture. People can depend on a chi for things like good health, rain, and a lot of other things that they need or want to have happen. Sometimes, as in this story, the person may have a little house devoted to their chi.
An iyi-uwa is a special stone that a child may have. The iyi-uwa is used as a link between a child and the spirit world. The purpose of a iyi-uwa is when a child gets sick, they will take the stone and they will destroy it, which the child will not die from the sickness.
An ekwe is an instrument that is made out of wood and is used like a drum and also may look sort of like a drum.
Sacred week in african culture is the week in which people don’t have to worry about work or anything else, it is just a week of celebration.