We change with time How is each person feeling
The picture shows the way we are at the beginning of our life. The young girl is fit and healthy. She has smooth skin. The young girl is smiling and feeling very happy though she has a tooth missing and is pointing to the space. She must be proud of this. It's like she's saying: "Look! I'm growing up!“ In fact she’s got much ahead.
The picture shows how we become towards the end of our life. The elderly lady can have obviously lost some of her strength and energy over the years. In fact, we can see that she has problems with her fingers. It may be arthritis. She has a lot of wrinkles. Especially different is her expression. The woman looks thoughtful. She could be thinking about the past. She might be feeling a little sad she might be remembering people she loved who are dead.
Does age limit our enjoyment of sporting activities.
Here's a man with a bicycle. He could be quite old... though it's hard to say because we can't see his hair. He might be in a good shape as he still does riding the bicycle. He can afford it because one may do cycling almost anywhere and cycling isn't expensive.
Here people are skiing. They're probably quite young.and up to their clothes they are ladies. The sports shown here is close to extreme. But they are young and they can do it. But this sport is very different. For skiing you need snow. And... skiing is pretty expensive.