H-index was born ! We need an Index both to include quantity & also quality of an authors' paper Productivity Impact Not affected by “big hits” Not affected by “noise”
Hirsch J E [b. 1953] Nationality Argentine American Fields Physicist Thesis Low-temperature thermodynamic properties of a random anisotropic antiferromagnetic chain (1980) Jorge Eduardo Hirsch Buenos Aires, Argentina h-Index: 41; 22 AUG 2014
Hirsch J E - Original Paper An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output J. E. Hirsch Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA Abstract. I propose the index h, defined as the number of papers with citation number higher or equal to h, as a useful index to characterize the scientific output of a researcher. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Volume 102, Issue 46, 15 November 2005, Pages
Definition A scientist has index h if h of his/her N p papers have at least h citations each, and the other (N p − h) papers have no more than h citations each.
A scientist has h-index h if h of his N p have received at least h citations each the rest N p -h articles have received no more than h citations each Definition
In other words, a scholar with an index of h has published h papers each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times.
H-index Concept through its Graph
The h-index A scientist has index h if h of his or her N p papers have at least h citations each and the other ( N p – h ) have at least ≤ h citations each Doc Cit
10 Author A Author B Doc Cit Doc1234 Cit H-index example
H-Index - How to calculate by hand? & G-index Author AAuthor BAuthor C ArticleCitationsArticleCitationsArticleCitations h-index6 5 5 G-index6 10G-index24
Another example (Cites/Paper) Author 1Author 2Author 3 Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper h-Index Paper 6443 Paper 7433 Paper 8112 Paper 9110 Paper Total Cites Avg. Cites/Paper
Characteristic Thus, the h-index reflects both the number of publications and the number of citations per publication. The index is designed to improve upon simpler measures such as the total number of citations or publications.
Meaningful when compared to others within the same discipline area. Researchers in one field may have very different h-indices than researchers in another (e.g. Life Sciences vs. Physics). The h-index
H-Index Advantages The h-index was intended to address the main disadvantages of other bibliometric indicators, such as total number of papers or total number of citations. It simultaneously measure the quality and sustainability of scientific output, as well as, to some extent, the diversity of scientific research.
H-index drawbacks Like impact factors depends on subject area It is a growing function over time It does NOT show the current activity or inactivity of the author Disadvantageous for younger researchers (without previous track record) Scientists with short scientific life are out of competition
Edward Witten Physicist h=132 Stephen Hawking Physicist h=62 But more people know who I am! My h-index is bigger than yours!
HOW DO I CALCULATE THE h-index OF MY SEARCH RESULTS? Web of Science - Citation reports Scopus - Citation Tracker No database lists all articles. You must be aware of the difficulties of comprehensively searching for the publications of an author or group. Help is available in both databases.
h-Index at Career Level According to Hirsch: For physicists, a value for h = 12 - Associate professor at major research universities A value of about 18 - Professorship, 15–20 could mean a fellowship in the American Physical Society, and 45 or higher could mean membership in the United States National Academy of Sciences. About 100 in India – Bharat Ratna
University of Delhi
University of Delhi: h-Index
Physics and Astrophysics, DU
Physics and Astrophysics, DU : h-Index
Rao, CNR : Year wise citations
Rao, CNR : h-Index 105