Gazebo Needed for a Local Park GSP Activity
Overview Summative (end of unit) activity Covering all 5 strands – over 20 expectations Using technology to explore patterns Grade 7 – Old TIP Binder (p. 113) Go to Gazebo Summative Activity Gazebo Summative ActivityGazebo Summative Activity
Introduction Your class is going to build a Gazebo for the local park What is a Gazebo? Can you draw one? What is a Gazebo? Can you draw one? The base will be a regular polygon What is the base on the diagram? What is the base on the diagram? What is a regular polygon? What is a regular polygon? How do you determine the sum of angles in a regular polygon? How do you determine the sum of angles in a regular polygon? The main floor support beam will be 4 metres What is the main floor support beam? What is the main floor support beam? For 4, 6, and 8 sided figure? For 4, 6, and 8 sided figure?
The Problem Trim for the base of the Gazebo is on sale now for $15 a metre ($30 regular price) Your goal is to investigate the various shapes for your Gazebo base and determine the cost of the trim
A Gazebo
Another Gazebo
One More Gazebo
Shape of the Base Main support is 4 metres Looking at relationship between perimeter and main support (diagonal)
And now the fun begins