The RUSSIAN Revolution of 1917
Our objectives are : You will be able to understand why the events of World War I hastened the outbreak of the Russian Revolution What was the ultimate fate of the Russian Royal Family—judge for yourself if they deserved their fate. In what ways did Lenin solve the erratic political situation that existed in Russia during the Revolution’s early months? You will be able to understand the deeper meaning of the slogan “PEACE, LAND, and BREAD.”
We have already learned that war broke out in August 1914 after Russia mobilized to protect Serbian interest.
Peasants and ordinary workers were sent to fight the Germans. Terrible disasters at Tannenberg and the Mausaurian Lakes, in the first month of the war, destroyed the Russian soldier’s confidence…
The Germans moved deep into Russia territory, and by 1915, over 2 million Russian soldiers had been killed, wounded, or captured.
The Middle class offered support to the government. Business groups put factories into maximum production.
But life at court was bizarre…the Tsarina Alexandra relied on Rasputin to treat her hemophiliac son, Alexei.
All groups complained about the Tsar, the court, and while the nation was at war, the system seemed hopelessly “out of it.”
The Dumas reassembled in November 1916, and loudly protested conditions. The leader of the Dumas shouted out about the sinister influence of Rasputin.
In December 1916, Rasputin was assassinated by Prince Yssapov and others…
The Tsar had gone to the front to command the troops…
While in St. Petersburg, in March 1917, food riots broke out.
Crowds shouted “Down with the Tsar.” And, most important, the imperial troops refused to fire on the rioters.
Mutiny and insubordination spread throughout the city…
Middle class leaders demanded that a new ministry be formed with approval of the Dumas.
Tsar Nicolas retaliated by disbanding the Duma…the city of St. Petersburg split into two factions—those who supported the Dumas…
And the other was the Petrograd Soviet, representing revolutionary forces.
In March, 1917, the Duma’s committee set up a Provisional Government.
The Tsar tried to return from the front, but his train was turned back by troops. Nicolas abdicated the throne.
He also abdicated the throne for his heir, the hemophiliac Alexei, and his brother, Michael, also refused the throne.
On March 17, 1917, Russia became a republic, and the 300 year old Romanov Dynasty came to and end. The Royal Family was held at their residence, then a year later, they were assassinated at Ekaterinburg, Siberia.
The Provisional Government immediately promised elections by universal male suffrage (haven’t we heard that before?).
They also arranged to prepare a constitution for the new regime. Then, it tried to continue the war against Germany…
In July 1917, a new offensive was mounted against the Germans---but the Germans struck back, hard.
The Provincial Government also promised wholesale re-distribution of land to the peasants.
Things fell apart: the armies at the front “melted away” and made their way home to make sure they got their share of this land redistribution.
The Petrograd Soviet opposed the war, and called for its immediate end.
Vladimir Lenin arrived in Petrograd on April 3, 1917 aboard a sealed train that had taken him from Switzerland through Germany. At the Finland Station he issued a speech denouncing both positions and demanding the elimination of dual power by the transfer of "all power to the soviets."
Now, in July 1917, there was a rebellion against the Provisional Government by some soldiers and sailors. Lenin was blamed for this, and he had to “temporarily” flee to Finland. He would return just a few months later and this time, he would take control of the city.
The Provisional Government tried to maintain popular support by naming Alexander Kerensky as its head.
Now, a military commander, General Kornilov, who was defeated in his efforts to overthrow the government. However, the Bolsheviks continued to press for control of the government.
Kerensky lost support. The food situation worsened. The war front was now in a state of collapse.
Lenin proposed to end the war, redistribute land, and provide work by transferring ownership in factories to the workers themselves.
Lenin promised PEACE, LAND and BREAD
This slogan was repeated in pamphlets dispersed throughout the city.
Lenin raised the cry “All power to the Soviets” to crush Kerensky. Kerensky struggled to control the Provisional Government.
Lenin judged his hour had come. He was backed up by Trotsky and Stalin, both emerging leaders in the Bolshevik party.
Lenin returned in October, inspiring an armed revolution with the slogan "All Power to the Soviets!" against the Provisional Government. His ideas which called for a new form of government based on workers' councils, or soviets. In this work he also claimed that ordinary workers should, in principle, be capable of running a factory or government. He emphasized, though, that to be able to govern the state, a worker should "learn communism." He furthermore insisted that a member of the government should be paid no more than the salary of an average workerProvisional Governmentsoviets
Troops around St. Petersburg (Petrograd) voted to support the Soviets in their takeover…
On the night of November 6-7 th, 1917, the Bolsheviks took over the… Telephone exchanges (communication) Railway stations Electric power stations A warship turned its guns on the Winter Palace where Kerensky’s government sat.
The Soviets now proclaimed that they were the new government. the Council of People’s Commissars. Lenin was the head Trotsky was in charge of foreign affairs Stalin was in charge of domestic affairs among the various Russian states. Kerensky fled to the U.S. and died in 1970!
Lenin introduced two resolutions: To negotiate a just democratic peace To abolish all landlord property immediately and without compensation. The vast landlord estates were now given to peasants to provide a base of support for the Bolsheviks
Just a side note: This November revolution is actually called the October revolution, or October 1917, because the Julian calendar was used in Russia until 1918—and the Julian calendar was a month behind the Gregorian calendar.
The long awaited constituent assembly met in January 1918, after 36 million persons had voted for it. But, when the votes were counted: 9 million had voted for the Bolsheviks 21 million had voted for Kerensky Lenin broke up the assembly by having armed sailors surround it.
Thus, Lenin did not favor majority rule. He decided that the Bolsheviks would make the decisions. Two months later, the Bolsheviks named themselves the Communist party.
The Russian Revolution would now continue with a Civil War between those that supported the Tsar (the whites) and those that supported the Communists (the Reds). It took years before Russia was stable. Stay tuned…
Our objectives are : You understand why the events of World War I hastened the outbreak of the Russian Revolution You know the ultimate fate of the Russian Royal Family— In what ways did Lenin solve the erratic political situation that existed in Russia during the Revolution’s early months? You understand the deeper meaning of the slogan “PEACE, LAND, and BREAD.”