He was a good public speaker who could captivate his audience. He persuaded other Bolsheviks that the time was right for a revolution in November Along with Trotsky he helped to organise the revolution. He had the ideas and slogans that people wanted to hear, such as Peace, Bread and Land. He made sure that the Bolsheviks stayed in power by winning the Civil War. He showed he was prepared to adapt to circumstances and change his policies if necessary.
Here are some of Lenin’s unpopular policies…….. He closed down the Constituent Assembly when the Bolsheviks didn’t win the free elections……but the Bolsheviks stayed in power!! He set up the Cheka which was the brutal secret police…..but he could remove anyone who opposed him!! (e.g. Kronstadt mutiny) He went to war against the Whites…..but the Communists won!! He introduced War Communism to control industrial production and the food supply……but the Red Army got well supplied and won the Civil war!
So we must remember Lenin’s achievements……. Lenin.. Ended War Communism when it caused famine and opposition Introduced NEP that increased industrial production, especially of electricity, and boosted trade ended the First World War gave land to peasants improved conditions for factory workers and women Allowed more freedom once the Civil War was won
He was responsible for the deaths of 5 million Russian peasants as a result of his policy of War Communism. He was prepared to push his country into Civil War after the Russian people had suffered so badly during the First World War. He was a ruthless dictator who would remove any opposition through use of the Cheka. He was prepared to execute even his most loyal supporters during the Kronstadt mutiny. He was responsible for the economic problems that Russia suffered as a result of the Civil War.
It is 1924, Lenin has died. You have to write an obituary on Lenin for a newspaper. An Obituary is a piece of writing that summarises a person’s life. It usually includes their achievements and what they should be remembered for. Obituaries usually have a balanced view of a person’s life. It is up to you whether you choose to do this for Lenin!