The Russian Revolution & Stalin’s Soviet Union
Russia Ruled by Czars Ruled Russia for 300 years (Czar = King) Believed in Absolute Rule (1 person has total power) Repression of People Religious Secret Police Force Language Education Economic
The Bolshevik Revolution Bolshevik = Radical supporters of Communism wanted immediate change Acts of Revolution Bloody Sunday (1905) March Revolution (1917) = (Forces the Czar from power) Russia leaves World War I (1917) Russian Civil War = 1918-1920 14 million dead Bolsheviks Win Lenin = Leader of the Bolsheviks
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Russia becomes the USSR / Soviet Union Communism = Equal Society without class (no rich/poor) Lenin dies = Joseph Stalin gains control Stalin means “Man of Steel”
Totalitarian Russia Totalitarianism = Govt. controls every aspect of a persons life The Great Purge = Stalin wipes out “enemies of the state” 13 Million Dead (1934-38) Command Economy = Govt. makes all economic decisions 5 Year Plans = Raise industrial production (Steel, Coal, Oil)
Stalin Gains Total Control Collective Farms = Land taken from peasants to form Govt. farms Kulak resistance wiped out (10 million dead) Positives = Better education Industry Grows Equal rights for women Negatives outweigh positives No personal freedom Unfair court system