THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Enduring Understandings 1. International conflict often leads to domestic changes. 3. In times of crisis, people often turn to strong leaders in search of stability. 5. Conflicts of the 20th Century were rooted in political and ideological differences around the world. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Key Questions Describe the long-term and short-term causes of the Russian Revolution. Focus particularly on ideology, social, economic, military and political conditions. Are all revolutions the same? Compare the Russian Revolution to the French Revolution.
Day 3 – Stalin takes over Review answers to p 5 and the 3 Questions with specific reference to the reading (cite by paragraph) about Lenin Why did Lenin have a lot of support of industrial workers and many poor peasants? Describe Lenin’s ideology How was Lenin and his Communist Party able to come to power? Stay in power and keep full control of the Russian/Soviet state? (include both good and bad methods. Questions? Complete p 6 part A 1-2 and part B about totalitarianism and Stalin’s policies towards industry and agriculture. Draw a cartoon that shows each of the 7 key traits of totalitarianism with Stalin as the central figure of the cartoon. Of course, what would happen to the cartoonist if it were published in the Soviet Union?
Emergence of Stalin Lenin died (1924), Stalin takes control over the party as general secretary A brilliant organizer, politician and manipulator – Stalin moved his allies into powerful positions in the party Defeated Trotsky, has him assassinated Focus is NOT on worldwide worker revolution but on Russian greatness Therefore, focus of policies on Russian industrial and military development, Builds a totalitarian state to achieve goals Command economy Five-Year Plans Collective farms
Stalin's Totalitarianism and Five Year Plans Goal – to make Russia – now the USSR – a modern industrial and military power Goal – never to let Russia be humiliated again by foreign powers Method – rapid industrialization – to make up the 50 year distance in 10 yrs Method – need a powerful centrally controlled state to direct all economic activities, i.e. – totalitarianism Method – need a powerful state to control all of the factors of production – land, labor and capital
Keys to Stalin's Totalitarianism one party rule with no competition Single, dynamic, strong leader Focused and unifying ideology State control over all aspects of society and economy State control over all aspects of individual behavior Dependence on advanced communication and surveillance technology Organized violence
Keys to Stalin's Totalitarianism – a Cartoon Draw a cartoon that shows all of the 7 key traits of totalitarianism with Stalin as the central figure of the cartoon. Of course, what would happen to the cartoonist if it were published in the Soviet Union?
Stalin the Dictator Used police terror to crush all opposition Launched Great Purge Campaign of terror designed to eliminate anyone who threatened his power Stalin turns against members of the Communist Party; kills thousands of old Bolsheviks who helped stage the revolution Used indoctrination and art to glorify the Communist state Censored potential political enemies Religious persecution (Russian Orthodox Church) Aimed to replace religious teachings with ideals of communism Destroyed churches/synagogues, killed religious leaders
Write Your Own Stalin Propaganda Poster! In seizing control after Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian society, exercising absolute authority over the people of Russia Assume that Stalin has hired you and 1-2 other people to garner support for his policies. Create a propaganda poster that meets this objective. Be prepared to share!
Comparing Revolutions Russian Revolution similar to that of the French Revolution Both movements sought to destroy existing social and political structures Used violence and terror to control people