ReVOLUTION AND FILM NEW MEANS, NEW GOALS. Developing Cinematic Technique Montage. The Kuleshov effect Montage. The Kuleshov effect Lev Kuleshov. 1910-s.


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Presentation transcript:


Developing Cinematic Technique Montage. The Kuleshov effect Montage. The Kuleshov effect Lev Kuleshov s. The same footage of Ivan Mozzhukhin’s face + other shots evokes different emotions. Lev Kuleshov s. The same footage of Ivan Mozzhukhin’s face + other shots evokes different emotions. The audience’s reception of emotion on the actor’s face depends on the sequence of images. The audience’s reception of emotion on the actor’s face depends on the sequence of images. The meaning of montage and film editing. The meaning of montage and film editing.

“Great October Socialist Revolution” 1917 Dictatorship of the proletariat.Dictatorship of the proletariat. Bolsheviks take control of the country, impose their ideology.Bolsheviks take control of the country, impose their ideology. Need to raise revolutionary consciousness of masses (workers, peasants).Need to raise revolutionary consciousness of masses (workers, peasants).

1918 – 1930Cinema nationalized Lenin’s article “Directive on film-making” (film as a tool for propaganda) Lenin’s article “Directive on film-making” (film as a tool for propaganda) Lenin’s phrase “For us film is the most important art form.” Lenin’s phrase “For us film is the most important art form.” Lenin’s instruction to shoot the processes of industrial production; educational and scientific films. Lenin’s instruction to shoot the processes of industrial production; educational and scientific films. Profitable art: entertainment “without obscenity and counterrevolution” Profitable art: entertainment “without obscenity and counterrevolution”

Post-revolutionary film “agitka”“agitka” non-narrativenon-narrative ideologicalideological propaganda valuepropaganda value hero system (Lenin)hero system (Lenin) non-erotic contentnon-erotic content

AFTER THE REVOLUTION Marxism-LeninismMarxism-Leninism Terms: Bourgeoisie - Proletariat - Peasantry.Terms: Bourgeoisie - Proletariat - Peasantry. "Dictatorship of the Proletariat""Dictatorship of the Proletariat" Coup-d'état - revolution consolidated by propaganda and terror.Coup-d'état - revolution consolidated by propaganda and terror. Role of arts in consciousness-raising.Role of arts in consciousness-raising.

“Avantgarde” politicalcinema VsevolodPudovkin Sergei Eisenstein DzigaVertov Aleksandr Dovzhenko

Key Concepts in 1920-s films New cinematic language rejecting “literature” (narrative) and “theatre” (psychological realism of stage) New cinematic language rejecting “literature” (narrative) and “theatre” (psychological realism of stage) Montage of attractions: collision (juxtaposing) of visual images to create a third meaning : (A + B = C) Montage of attractions: collision (juxtaposing) of visual images to create a third meaning : (A + B = C) Typage: rejection of actors, preference for facial “types” Typage: rejection of actors, preference for facial “types”

October (1927) by Sergei Eisenstein First non-documentary featuring Lenin

October (Ten Days that Shook the World) (1927) By Sergei Eisenstein. Based on book by John Reid By Sergei Eisenstein. Based on book by John Reid Made to commemorate 10th anniversary of Bolshevik seizure of Power Made to commemorate 10th anniversary of Bolshevik seizure of Power February 1917 Crisis February 1917 Crisis 15 March Tsar Nicholas II abdicates 15 March Tsar Nicholas II abdicates Confrontation between Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet (Workers' Council) Confrontation between Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet (Workers' Council) April 1917 Vladimir Lenin returns via the Finland Station April 1917 Vladimir Lenin returns via the Finland Station July Demonstrations broken up, Lenin goes into hiding July Demonstrations broken up, Lenin goes into hiding October (7 November) 1917 October (7 November) 1917 Storming of the Winter Palace in Petrograd and removal of Provisional Government. Storming of the Winter Palace in Petrograd and removal of Provisional Government.

October (1927) by S. Eisenstein

“Moving masses” in October

Eisenstein’sOctober Historical inaccuracies Historical inaccuracies Political background Political background Film techniques used Film techniques used Ideal being created Ideal being created The narrative...what is the story trying to tell? The narrative...what is the story trying to tell?

VsevolodPudovkin (1893–1953) Chess FeverChess Fever(1925) Chess Fever Popular comedy on non-political theme. Mother (1926) Classic based on Maxim Gorky's novelabout strikers in The End of St. Petersburg (1927) For the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution. Compared unfavourably to Eisenstein's October.

Food for Thought Two approaches:Two approaches: narrative and abstract films. narrative and abstract films. What is narrative and why film would use it?What is narrative and why film would use it? Why did viewers saw film as real?Why did viewers saw film as real? What techniques do the filmmakers use to make their films realistic to the viewer and believable as historical events, how do they make their narrations of historical events appear real?What techniques do the filmmakers use to make their films realistic to the viewer and believable as historical events, how do they make their narrations of historical events appear real?

Questions for Chess Fever What is the topic of the film? What is the topic of the film? How is comedy created? How is comedy created? What motifs run through the film? What motifs run through the film? How does camera technique or cutting help the film achieve its objectives? How does camera technique or cutting help the film achieve its objectives?