Friday, May 9, 2014 TURN IN ANY chapter 26 FIB’s Open text book to chapter 26 section 4 – Russian Revolution READING CHECK NOTES 26.3 Peace in a New Europe – When did the armistice occur? – What group was slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks, in the first genocide of the 1900s? – Who came up with the League of Nations to keep world peace? – What was the most difficult part of the Treaty of Versailles for Germany to accept? – When was the Treaty of Versailles officially signed?
The Russian Revolution of 1917 The Russian drop out of WWI to have a little war of their own…
Vladimir Lenin
The Romanovs
Rasputin – the “holy man”
What happened to the children?
Vladimir Lenin Leon Trotsky
Communists (formerly known as “Bolsheviks”) WINNER
22.4.C Economic Ideology CapitalismSocialismCommunism Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations free enterprise free markets no government regulation Laisse-faire companies free to make a profit Charles Foutier Robert Owen economic exchanges are regulated for the common good means of production (factories & equipment) collectively owned or owned by the government capitalism is unfair competition bad more even distribution of income Karl Marx Communist Manifesto Das Kapital means of production owned by/controlled by government property is owned by everyone equally; beyond socialism violent revolution is necessary to overthrow capitalism by the working classes no need for government in the future
Russian Revolution Terms
Communism in Russia,
Friday, May 10, TURN IN UNGRADED FIBs 2.Open text books to chapter 26 section 4 3.READING CHECK NOTES 26.4 The Russian Revolution – Name the group of Revolutionaries led by Vladimir Lenin: – Who lead the peaceful march on the Winter Palace in 1905? – Name the Russian parliament set up in 1917: – The Bolsheviks were communists & were the ____ Army. – The counterrevolutionaries who supported the czar were the _____ Army. – Who did Lenin get ideas from?