Russian Revolution & Civil War
Duma Elected national legislature Set up by Tsar Nicholas in response to the Revolution of 1905 No law would go into effect without approval by the Duma
Revolution of 1917 Disasters of WWI combined with food shortages lead to the end of monarchy Workers go on strike Troops refuse to fire on demonstrators Nicholas abdicates
Provisional Government Temporary government set up by Duma officials Began preparing a constitution for a new republic At this time, revolutionary socialists go their own way – Soviets councils of workers and soldiers
Lenin Leader of Radical group Bolsheviks Only revolution could bring about needed changes in Russia Sets up Cheka, or secret police, as leader Exiled to Serbia after being arrested
Lenin Germany sees Lenin’s return from exile as a chance to weaken Russia further in the war Helps him get back to Russia
Bolsheviks vs. Mensheviks Mensheviks- believed socialism could be achieved through gradual and moderate reforms – Higher wages – Increased suffrage – Welfare programs Bolsheviks- rejected Menshevik ideas and believed complete revolution was necessary
Communism Arrives Bolsheviks overthrow Provisional Government in November 1917 Quickly seize power in other cities and begin distributing land to peasants Workers given control of the factories and mines