VLSI Design Course 2001 CAD Tools Magic/IRSIM/SPICE 簡介 Presenter :林郁翔 Rm 330 4/06/2001
VLSI Design Course 2001 Outline Introduction Magic – Layout Editor IRSIM – Logic-level simulator for MOS circuits SPICE – Transistor-level simulator for MOS circuits
VLSI Design Course 2001 Introduction Design Circuits Circuit-level Simulator SPICE Layout Tools Magic Logic-level Simulator IRSIM extract verification A C C=A?
VLSI Design Course 2001 Magic – Layout Editor
VLSI Design Course 2001 What is Magic? A color painting tool? –Quite a bit about the nature of VLSI circuit layout Additional operations –Built-in Design-Rule-Check (DRC) –Built-in Hierarchical circuit extractor –Some useful functions such as routing tools
VLSI Design Course 2001 How to Get Help? Manual –Hard copies –Electronic files postscript files available on workstation: –~r89004/vlsi/magic_tutorial (tutorial files) –~r89004/vlsi/magic_tutcells (example files for tutorial) On-line help –>> :help subject
VLSI Design Course 2001 Running Magic 在 Linux 中的 magic 及 irsim, 均需要將 CAD_HOME 環 境變數設到 /home/cad 目錄下, 也就是, 如果用的是 C Shell (csh, tcsh), 要加入下列兩行到 $HOME/.cshrc 中 setenv CAD_HOME /home/cad set path=($path $CAD_HOME/bin) 可在 shell 檔內加上 alias ,例: alias magic 'magic -dX11 -T tsmc0p8_spdm' 則以後只要鍵入 magic iv 即可執行 在 Linux 中執行 >> magic –dX11 –T tsmc0p8_spdm filename
VLSI Design Course 2001 The Box & the Cursor Used to select things on the color display Mouse left button Mouse right button
VLSI Design Course 2001 Invoking Commands –Type “:”(colon) or “;”(semi-colon) to invoke command –Use macro E.g. ‘u’ means “:undo”
VLSI Design Course 2001 Painting Commands Basic Painting –:paint layers (color) –:erase layers “ ^D ” (erase all layers underneath the cursor) –Use Mouse Select or box what U would like to paint Move to the color (layer) U would like to paint Press middle button (or press left & right together if U use 2-button mouse)
VLSI Design Course 2001 Select Commands If I mistake to take action… –:undo(u) –:redo(U) Select –Move over the portion and type ‘s’ –Type ‘S’ to select more –Select area ‘a’ / select more area ‘A’ –Clear out the selection ‘C’ or “:select clear”
VLSI Design Course 2001 Commands on selection Command on selection –:delete d –:move q(l), w(d), e(u), r(r) –:stretch Q, W, E, R –:copy c –:upsidedown (vertically flip) –:sideway (horizontally flip) –:clockwise
VLSI Design Course 2001 Label Commands Label –:label [ text [ position [ layer ] ] ] –Erase a label Select it and delete it –Erase all labels :erase labels –Labeling conventions Vdd! GND! (important!!)
VLSI Design Course 2001 Other Commands Save to files –:writeall –:save [ filename ] Magic file format : *.mag Utility Commands –:grid [spacing] –:zoom z / Z (zoom in/out) Leaving Magic – :quit ( :q)
VLSI Design Course 2001 Advance Painting Commands(1) More useful painting – wiring –:tool (macro ‘space bar’) –:tool box (return to box mode) –Painting steps: Select the material you want to paint Left click the material Move the cursor and right click the path you would like to paint Use middle click to place contact
VLSI Design Course 2001 Advanced Painting Commands(2) Manipulating Subcells –:getcell (name) –:array xsize ysize Cell Hierarchy –Expanding x (expand) X (overview) Design Rule Checking –:drc why –:drc find
VLSI Design Course 2001 IRSIM – Logic-level simulator for MOS circuits
VLSI Design Course 2001 Function of IRSIM Logic-level simulation (based on RC model) Display simulation waveform Differences from SPICE –IRSIM is an event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS transistor circuits. –SPICE is a circuit analysis tool for simulation of electrical circuits in steady-state, transient, and frequency domains.
VLSI Design Course 2001 IRSIM EXAMPLE Follow the next steps: 1.Load layout file and extract in magic command. :load or4 :extract 2.Convert.ext file to.sim file. ccsun> ext2sim or4.sim or4.ext 3.Construct command file for IRSIM. Use any text editor to edit command file *.cmd.
VLSI Design Course 2001 COMMAND FILE EXAMPLE ***************or4.cmd********************* h Vdd! l GND! vector INPUT a b c d clock Vdd! V INPUT R 1
VLSI Design Course 2001 Logic Waveforms 4. Execute IRSIM with *.sim and *.or4 ccsun> irsim tsmc08.prm or4.sim -or4.cmd 5. Run analyze window irsim> ana a b c d z 6. Analyzer window with simulation results will pop up.
VLSI Design Course 2001 ANALYZE WINDOW
VLSI Design Course 2001 SPICE – Transistor-level simulator for MOS circuits
VLSI Design Course 2001 Magic to Spice Convert magic extracted files to spice net files ext2spice name.sp name.ext
VLSI Design Course 2001 SPICE SPICE : Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis Developed by University of alifornia/Berkeley (UCB) and is largely used by VLSI design Numerical Approach to Circuit Simulation –Circuit Node/Connections Define a Matrix
VLSI Design Course 2001 SPICE Example 1 Vin **********title**********.lib ' tsmc08.model ' TT.option post.op.global vdd vss ** Circuit Description ** M PCH L=1um W=1um M NCH L=1um W=1um C f *drain gate source substrate
VLSI Design Course 2001 SPICE Example(cont’d) ** Sources** Vin 1 0 DC +2.5V VDD vdd 0 DC +5V VSS vss 0 DC 0V ** Analysis Requests **.DC Vin end
VLSI Design Course 2001 Output Waveform >awaves
VLSI Design Course 2001 More about SPICE simulation Timing analysis –.tran tincs tstop –Clock source : PULSE ( V1 V2 ) Sub circuit –Example:.SUBCKT INV IN OUT M1 OUT IN VDD 0 P L=0.5u W=WP M2 OUT IN 0 0 N L=0.5u W=WN R1 OUT 4 1K.ENDS INV