Boston Tea Party/Tea Act Jordan Joelissa Hanna Scott DeJuan Pd.4 Group #2
To Whom did the Boston Tea Party/Tea Act Happen to? The Boston Tea Party happened to the Americans.
What happened during The Boston Tea Party/Tea Act? During the Boston Tea Party they sold tea to the colonies for low low prices, and they dumped 342 tea chests into the Boston Harbor.
When did The Boston Tea Party/Tea Act happen? The Boston Tea Party happened on December16, 1776.
Where did The Boston Tea Party happen? The Boston Tea Party happened at the Boston Harbor.
Why did The Boston Tea Party/Tea Act happen and what was the outcome? The Boston Tea Party/Tea Act happened because the government was putting taxes on imported goods such as tea. The outcome of the Boston Tea Party/ Tea Act was that the colonists disquised as American Indians and snuck onto three tea filled ships at the Boston Harbor.