Causes of the American Revolutionary War Task Bundle
Rationale While it is important to learn about the key battles of the Revolution, we believe it is even more essential for students to be able to understand how specific actions taken by Great Britain ultimately led to a desire for independence.
Essential Question To what extent did actions taken by the British government cause political unrest in the colonies?
Enduring Understandings Key events led to the desire for self-governance in the American colonies. Change and progress often come at a price.
Lesson 1: French & Indian War Aim: How did the results of the French & Indian war lead to political unrest in the colonies? Task: Students will compare maps before/after the war. Students will read informational text about the war. Students will respond to action/reaction on chart and explain why this war led to colonial frustrations.
Lesson 2: British Economic Control Aim: How did the British plan on paying their war debt? Task: Students will learn about the new colonial policies. Students will engage in a class activity simulating tax impositions.
Lesson 3: Colonial Reactions Aim: What were the colonists’ reactions to the taxes imposed by the British? Task: Students will analyze political cartoons depicting reactions to the new colonial policies.
Lesson 4: Boston Massacre Aim: How does bias play a role in the way we remember historical events? Task: Students will listen to a passage and use their notes to answer questions. Students will analyze Revere’s engraving and look for clues of bias. Students will create their own picture representative of the British view of the massacre.
Lesson 5: Boston Tea Party & Intolerable Acts Aim: To what extent was the Boston Tea Party a successful form of protest? Task: Students will complete painting analysis worksheet with a partner using Boston Tea Party painting. Students will read primary & secondary accounts of the Boston Tea Party. Students will complete a “word splash” summary of the event.
Definitions Bias: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair. Propaganda: Information, esp. of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
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Culminating Task Causes of American Revolution DBQ Causes of American Revolution RAFT project