International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC Diabetes Experts Panel from Accessing (EU in May 2004) Countries Presidents/designated Members of Boards of Diabetes Associations and Patients organisations Initiative of IDF Europe Board supported by Novo Nordisk
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC Panel member countries Czech Republic Cyprus Estonia and Malta joined in Ototec Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Slovakia Slovenia
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC goals (selected) I. Co-operate and use IDF Region Europe experience in access to EU institutions Become a partner in future co-operation with EU Health Commisioner and Diabetes Working Group in EU Parliament Define the current status and identify differencies in diabetes care in accessing countries and share these information with authorithies and relevant stakeholders Implement therapeutic guidelines or participate in their local updates
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC goals (selected) II. Share opinions on current challenges in diabetology (registers, epidemiology trends, diets etc) Increase patient empowerement/role by education and support in self-management assess the cost and benefits of the most up-to- date methods of diabetes treatment assess the status of National Diabetes Programmes and support their implementation
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC-meetings/activities 1st meeting held in Brussels- May 2004 idea of survey of diabetes care in our area accepted steering committee elected Slovenia- Otocec- November 2004 Poland- Kraków- May 2005 Czech Republic- Prague- November 2005 Latvia- Riga- April 2006 Hungary- Budapest- October 2006
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC Survey Tight timing of survey: Sept/04- frames, start of discussions, protocol preparation Jan/05- start of the survey- data collection March30/05 submitting abstract to EASD 2005/Athens Planned No of patients Finally: type 1 & type 2 patients data in specialists care included
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) Presentations/publications Presentations: 1st abstract accepted to EASD 2005 (Athens) 2 abstracts accepted at EASD 2006 (Copenhagen) 2 more submitted to IDF Global 2006 local presentations in: Czech Rep, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland 3 publications to be submitted to Intl. journals results used locally by OL in discussion with HA
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) DEPAC- other activities formal presentations during each meeting of systems of diabetes care (by HCP) activities of patients organisations identification of improvement areas based on: survey results experience from neighbouring countries
International Diabetes Federation – Region Europe Diabetes Experts’ Panel from Accessing Countries (DEPAC) Letter from the President Mon, 26 Dec :52: From: "Dr. W.H.J.M. Wientjens" Re: DEPAC - Prague meeting minutes & presentations "Dr. W.H.J.M. Wientjens" „Dear All, … Many congratulations. Wonderful good presentations. I like also very much your full spirit to give a very serious and ambitious follow-up, reading your time schedule with many activities. Many thanks, on behalf of the people with diabetes, for everything you are doing.” Kind regards, Wim Dr. W.H.J.M. (Wim) Wientjens President IDF European Region