Commission on Nuclear Physics C12 June 30, 2004 Gothenburg, August 5, 2005 Budapest C12 Committee on Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (nuclear ”icfa”) (A.W.Thomas, TJNAF, chair) Survey of present, future user mode facilities
Facility types Radioactive ion beam facilitiesJ-PARC, FAIR, RIA Relativistic ion beam facilities RHiC, LHC/ALICE Electron beam facilitiesTJNAF (”JLAB”) Kaon factories Underground laboratories …
Conferences with/requesting C12 support PANIC’05Santa FeOctober 2005 Few-Body 18Santos GuarujaAugust 2006 Nucleus-nucleus’06 Rio de JaneiroSeptember 2006 SPIN 2006KyotoOctober 2006 Nuclei in the Cosmos CERNJune 2006 RNB7Cortina d’AmpezzoJuly 2006 INPC’07Japan 2007 Baryons’07Korea 2007