New Graduates and Institutions of Higher Education Through the Eyes of Hungarian Companies István János Tóth research fellow, IE HAS, director, IEER HCCI Institute for Economic and Enterprise Research Corvinus University of Budapest 19th October 2011, 13:00
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Topics Introduction of IEER and our labour market forecasts New graduates in the business sector Workforce demand during and after the crisis Salary changes two years after being employed by qualifications Prestige of institutions of higher education in Hungary Vocational School Research Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AMhttp:// Introduction of IEER and our labour market forecasts Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Main Research Areas Short-term Labor Market Forecasts (2006- ) SME Outlook (2005- ) Business Tendency Surveys (1998- ) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Main Research Areas Vocational School Research [decision support for regional vocational school quotas] Research for Monitoring New Graduates in the Business Sector => IEER is market leader in Hungary on labor market research – contacting and surveying cca companies annually Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Main Research Areas Methodes used a) OECD harmonised questions: [ ] b) Hot topics (ad hoc questions) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Short-term Labor Market Forecasts In cooperation with the Ministry for National Economy and the National Employment Service – since 2005 Contacting 7500 companies by structured interviews Representative sample by industry, regional level and company size Standardized questionnaires and methodes Yearly: September - October Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Short-term Labor Market Forecasts Research topics: –Recent and Expected Business Climate of the company –Planned enrollment and layoff –Trainings (organised by the company) –Employing specific workforce (e.g.: expat, entrant, part-time etc.) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45 SME Outlook Survey In cooperation with Volksbank Hungary and Figyelő magazine – since 2005 Questioning 300 small and medium sized companies Repeated quarterly Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45 SME Outlook Survey Research Topics: –Recent and Expected Business Climate of companies –Ad hoc questions changes in company taxation, effects of chain debts and late payments, effects of the rising energy prices, expected labor demand and minimum wage raising, etc. Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
11/19/2015 6:45 AM Business Tendency Survey Research Since 1998 two times a year, since 2010 four times a year Sample size: companies Questions: –Recent and Expected Business Climate of companies Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45 Vocational School Research Program Survey of enterprises –Annual survey started in 2008, included 4000 companies in 2011 –Evaluation of expected labour demand for vocational school graduates and comparison with the expected number of recent graduates –Decision support for regional development and training committees (RFKBs) to establish the quota by region of different vocational trainings Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45 Vocational School Research Program Survey of graduates –Annual survey started in 2009, includes 3000 vocational school graduates per year –Labour market status, opportunities of employment –Satisfaction with vocational school, own skills Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// New Graduates in the Business Sector Research Program Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Research Program Identic (standardized) sample and standard questionnaire since 2005 National company survey based on questionnaires Professional interviews Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Research Program Topics: a)Workforce demand b)Demand for BA graduates c)Salaries d) Recruitment difficulties e) Required competencies f) Prestige of higher education institutions (Universities and Business Scools) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Survey by interviews Questionnaire based data collection in every year; Between : answers of 7559 CEOs Companies employing at least 20 person Representive sample by industry and company size Data collection supported by: Hungarian companies, Educatio kht., Ministry of Rural Development, „Jedlik Ányos” programme, NKTH (NKFP_07_A2-TEXTREND, contract no.: OM-00002/2008); Research Program Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Main Advantages Comparable data at national level –We have answers not only from those local companies which are in direct contact with the local university Personal questioning methodology –Relevant information: we can control who answers (HR managers); Homogeneous sample and standard questionnaire –Undistorted data –Possibility of comparison in time –Surveying trends – data since 2005 Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Workforce Demand During and After the Crisis Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Why New Graduates? Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Workforce Demand Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Workforce Demand for NGs, Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR Balance statistics = % of firms to rise the demande - % of firms to fall the demande
:45http:// Workforce Demand in 2010 by positions Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Changes Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Changes Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Salary Changes Two Years After Being Employed by Types of Qualification Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Salaries Average salary: HUF (720 EUR, 1 EUR=296 HUF) Important deviation: Lower quartile: HUF Upper quartile: HUF After two years 22% increase Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Where Can We Earn the Most? Large companies Foreign owned companies Commerce, processing industry Technical qualification Central Hungary Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Prestige and Regional Impact of Institutions of Higher Education Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Prestige Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR „Please to name the most three prestigious university faculties in four different training area!” They can mention maximum three faculties and an additional faculty which has the least prestige according to them. The prestige hierarchy is computed from the weighted sum of the number of mentions. The result is projected to a 100-point scale.
:45http:// Prestige – Economic Faculties Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// 32 Regional Impact – Economic Faculties In the spotlight: BCE and BGF Great local impact: PTE (Univ. Pécs) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// 33 RI – Economic Faculties In the spotlight: BCE and BGF Great local appeal: PTE (Univ. Pécs) Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Prestige – Technical Faculties Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// RI – Technical Faculties In the spotlight: BME mechanical engineering and electric engineering faculty Greater local appeal: University of Miskolc, University of Pécs Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// RI – Technical Faculties In the spotlight: BME mechanical engineering and electric engineering faculty Greater local appeal: University of Miskolc, University of Pécs Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Vocational School Research Topics Research Program New Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Average length of job-seeking by vocations (months), 2011 Content Research Program Fresh Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR
:45http:// Thank you for your attention! The ppt file of the lecture can be downloaded through the website of GVI [ from 3 pm. today Content Research Program Fresh Graduates Demand Salaries Higher Education VSR