Hankook Horizontal Lathe Dynaturn vs R series Technical Sales Team
Variety of Models DYNATURN-R Series (Swing 31.4~51.9) Price level 20% Lower than R series CNC HORIZONTAL LATHE R10/16M, R25,50,70W (Swing 31.4~118.1) Price level Highest DYNATURN Series (Swing 43.3~102.3) Price level 25% Lower than Dynaturn R
Basic difference between models BED 3-Guide way, 42.5in wide Full carriage (Carriage slide on 3 ways), Steady rest cannot pass through 4-Guide way, 47.2in wide Half carriage (Carriage slide on 2 ways), Steady rest slide on the other 2 ways and can pass through the carriage DYNATURNDYNATURN-R / R SERIES
Basic difference between models BALL SCREW LOCATION Ball screw is located in front of bed. X/Z scale is not possible to be attached at the same location of the ballscrew due to space limit. Axes accuracy is not high accurate. Ball screw is located between carriage ways. X/Z scale is possible to be attached at the same location of the ball screw. Axes accuracy is very accurate. DYNATURNDYNATURN-R / R SERIES
Basic difference between models MACHINE SIZE Swing from 31.4 to 51.9in Load capacity between center 12 tons Swing from 31.4 to 118.1in Load capacity between center 10 tons to 150tons DYNATURN-RR SERIES
Machine model DYNATURN 11/13/15/17 DYNATURN 20/22/24/26 Major spec. (DYNATURN 2000~2600) Swing over bed : 78.7~102.3(in) Swing over carriage : 62.9~86.6(in) Max. turning diameter :78.7~102.3(in) Distance between centers : 157.4~314.9(in) Max. load between centers : 25(ton) Spindle speeds : 0.5~250(rpm) Features Large 25 tons load capacity between centers-D/T 26 Swing up to 2600mm Up to 8000mm shaft turning capacity Automatic shifting 4 speed geared headstock Induction-hardened and precision-ground guide ways Extra wide one-piece 3-slideway / 4-guideway cast iron bed Built-in rotating tailstock spindle & load meter All automatic lubrication to all critical areas CNC Lathe (DYNATURN-Series) High Capacity, Heavy Duty CNC Turning Machines
Standard Accessories Standard Accessories CNC Lathe (DYNATURN-Series) DYNATURN -11/13/15/17 DYNATURN – 20/22/24/26 HEAD STOCK BED BED TOOL POST TAIL STOCK TOOL POST TAIL STOCK
CNC Lathe (DYNATURN-Series)
Machine model DYNATURN – 8R / 11R / 13R Major spec. (DYNATURN 11R/13R) Swing over bed : 53.5/62.2(in) Swing over carriage : 44/51.9(in) Max. turning length : 78.7~314.9(in) Distance between centers : 78.7~314.9(in) Max. load between centers : 26455(lbs) Spindle speeds : 1~500(rpm) Features Automatic 4-speed geared head stock Extra wide one-piece cast iron bed No interference of steady rest during turning due to Half Carriage Wide carriage to ensure the highest accuracy and rigidity Built-in rotating tailstock spindle & load meter HALF CARRIAGE (DYNATURN-R Series) High Capacity, Heavy duty CNC Turning Lathes
Machine model R10M / R16M R40H R25W / R50W / R70W / R80W Major spec. (R10M) Max. roll turning diameter : 31.4/39.3(in) Distance between centers : 78.7~236.2(in) Max. load between center : 10(tons) Spindle speeds : 0.5 ~ 250(rpm) Bed width : 47.2(in) Features Automatic 2-speed geared head stock Extra wide one-piece cast iron bed Built-in live tailstock spindle Half Carriage & Two lamella type tool post Full automatic lubrication to all critical areas Large 10 to 150 tons load capacity between centers Roll Lathe (R Series) Heavy Duty CNC Roll Lathes
Roll Lathe (R Series) Variety of Roll Lathes Variety of Roll Lathes R10MR16M R50WR70W
Standard & Optional Accessories Standard & Optional Accessories Roll Lathe (R Series) H-4 tool post Rack & 2-pinion Roll Stand Half Carriage Two lamella tool post 2-step heavy duty geared chuck BED
Roll Lathe (R Series) Machining Pictures Machining Pictures
Roll Lathe (R Series)
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