Journal entries…. Lewis and Clark by Dakota Criss Mackie Queen
Lewis- The strangest thing happened that little rodent Prairie dog was staring at my in the tent...I hate that thing it pops up every where! I hate rats what I’d give for a size 15 rat trap! I wonder would Clark notice a missing rifle and gun powder?....
I found the one thing more annoying then the “rat”, (If anything is) its the cook. This expedition is crazy, and why did Clark get a cook “who can cook anything”. I think we’ve all gone off the deep end. (Half this page is covered in Mud and something pinkish brown) I can’t believe how bad a cook he is it makes me want to hurl…
Clarke stopped every ten minutes to draw, it was frustrating. He keeps telling me that I need not to rush. Yesterday I had said something's to the cook. He and Clarke attacked me. They vented on and on about the smallest things. I am seriously thinking of killing them in there sleep. Did I mention we have a new addition to are, “family”…Sacajawea.
Well this is awkward, I’ve yet to talk to Clark. I can tell he’s really going to miss living here. He has gone silent and barely spares me or Sacajawea a glance. I don’t know how to comfort him. I hope he can settle nicely in his new home.
Clarke: The things I have seen on this journey have astounded me. All the plants animals I have never once see are now surrounding me. All the things I have to do has caused me to miss sleep and I have often forgot to eat. I’ve grown weary but I know I must finish this journey. Lewis and the cook’s constant fighting has become a constant distraction. I can only hope they can settle their differences.
We have met a native American with amazing skills. She has helped through a lot these past months. I am forever in dept to her. Her name is Sacajawea and she has proven to be extremely helpful when guiding us through the woods. I’ve discovered many new plants since she has joined us.
I have found over 122 types of animals. The information that I have taken in is amazing. I spend hours studying the animals and still I am amazed by everything they do. The plants are even more breath taking, how they grow, feel, and look like. I’ve discovered 172 plants. Even though Lewis is constantly fighting with the cook he and Sacajawea have been a great help.
I have fallen love with the world around me. I can barely stand the thought of leaving this place. I cannot say the same about Lewis though. He only dreams of leaving this place. I can’t understand why but I will continue to respect his choices.
Our journey has come to an end, tomorrow we return home. Even though the work has been tiring I can’t say I regret any of it. All the things I’ve discovered will forever be locked inside my mind. Even though I may be wrong I believe Lewis thinks the same thing. I even believe that some part of him will miss the prairie dog. I will miss being here but I can't wait to return home to show the others what we have discovered.
Pictures of Lewis and ClarkPictures of Lewis and Clark