Morning Report Acute Ataxia 8/31/09 Lorena Muñiz, MD
Definitions Ataxia: From Greek ataktos: without order. Failure of muscular coordination. Pathologic abnormality of organization or modulation of movement. Disturbances in the control of body posture, motor coordination, speech control and eye movements.
Dizziness: impairment in spatial perception and stability, considered imprecise. Vertigo: sensation of spinning or having one's surroundings spin about them.
Dysmetria: From English difficult to measure. Lack of coordination of movement typified by the undershoot and/or overshoot of intended position with the hand, arm, leg, or eye.
Dysdiadochokinesia: From Greek dys "bad", dia "across", docho "receive", kinesia "movement“. Inability to perform rapid, alternating movements.
Dysarthria: Motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury, characterised by poor articulation Nystagmus: form of involuntary eye movement characterized by alternating smooth pursuit in one direction and rapid movement in the other direction.
Opsoclonus: Rapid, involuntary, multivectorial (horizontal and vertical), unpredictable, conjugate fast eye movements. Myoclonus: Brief, involuntary twitching of a muscle or a group of muscles.
Romberg's test: assess the dorsal columns of the spinal cord. Indication of loss of the sense of position, patient loses balance when standing erect, feet together, and eyes closed. +Romberg: ataxia is sensory in nature, depending on loss of proprioception. – Romberg: ataxia is cerebellar.
Types of Ataxia Cerebellar ataxia 1.Vestibulocerebellum impaired balance and control of eye movements, postural instability. 2.Spinocerebellum wide-based "drunken sailor" gait. 3. Cerebrocerebellum disturbances in carrying out voluntary, planned movements.
Sensory ataxia: Loss of proprioception (joint position sense), dysfunction of the dorsal columns of the spinal cord, spinal nerve roots or peripheral nerves. Vestibular ataxia: Loss of balance, in acute and unilateral cases is associated with prominent vertigo, nausea and vomiting.
Etiology Infectious/immune-mediated cerebellar disorders Acute cerebellar ataxia* Post infectious cerebellitis Acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis Systemic infections Brainstem encephalitis Multiple sclerosis
Toxic Alcohol Anticonvulsants (phenytoin, carbamazepine) Benzodiazepines Barbiturates Antihistamines Lithium Heavy metals (lead, mercury, thallium)
Mass lesions Tumors: brain stem, cerebellum Vascular lesions (AVM) Abscesses Hydrocephalus Trauma Head Neck (vertebral artery dissection)
Vascular events Stroke, hemorrhage Paraneoplastic disorders Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome: Occult Neuroblastoma or ganglioneuroblastoma Sensory ataxia Miller Fisher syndrome: ataxia, areflexia, ophtalmoplegia(vertical gaze)
Paretic ataxia Other neurologic disorders Basilar migraine: vertigo, hemiparesis, cranial nerve dysfunction, N/V/HA Benign paroxysmal vertigo Seizures Inborn error of metabolism Functional
Work up History: Prior or current symptoms of infection. Recent immunizations. Headaches, vomit, diplopia. ROS. Drug ingestion. Head on neck trauma. Similar episodes in past or in family.
Physical exam Complete neurological exam Mental status Cranial nerves Cerebellar testing Sensation Strength Meningeal signs Reflexes Gait
Initial ancillary tests Laboratory Urine/serum drug screen/level CBC Electrolytes Imaging CT brain MRI brain
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