1 SUPPORTING SSPS IN THE MIDYEAR PROCESS ActionDescriptionSupport Resources Available online Reflect on SSP performance to date Review beginning of year conversation agreements for effective practice, review observational notes and feedback, reflect on performance against the role-specific framework. Beginning of year conversation guide Note catcher template SSP Framework Roles and responsibilities guide Mid year conversation Schedule time for a mid-year feedback conversation with your SSP. Mid year conversation guide SSP Framework Roles and responsibilities guide Continue observations After the conversation continue to observe your SSP as agreed upon in the beginning of year conversation, hold feedback conversations, and retain your notes in your personal records for reference at end of year. Note catcher template SSP Framework If you do not know if you are the evaluating leader for an SSP in your building please contact your HR School Partner or the Talent Management Hotline (or x32600) for If you not a primary evaluator for an SSP but want to provide feedback please contact the primary evaluator by phone or to share your feedback.
As you consider the performance of your SSPs against their framework please note that many SSP framework indicators align with indicators in LEAP*. For these indicators seek to find alignment of expectations of performance between the two roles 2 SSP FRAMEWORK CONNECTIONS TO LEAP SSP Framework IndicatorLEAP Indicator 2.A - SSP Demonstrates knowledge of, interest in and respect for diverse students’ communities and cultures in a manner that increases equity. LE.1 - Demonstrates knowledge of, interest in and respect for diverse students’ communities and cultures in a manner that increases equity. 2.B - SSP Implements high, clear expectations for student behavior, including self-advocacy. LE.3 – Implements high, clear expectations for students’ behavior and routines 4.A - SSP Demonstrates self-awareness, reflects on practice with self and others, and acts on feedback P.5 - Demonstrates self-awareness, reflects on practice with self and others and acts on feedback 4.B - SSP Pursues opportunities for professional growth and contributes to a culture of inquiry P.6 - Pursues opportunities for professional growth and contributes to a culture of inquiry 5.A - Advocates for and engages students, families and the community in support of improved students’ achievement P.4 - Advocates for and engages students, families and the community in support of improved students’ achievement 5.B - Collaborates with school teams to positively impact students’ outcomes P.3 – Collaborates with school teams to positively impact students’ outcomes 5.C - Builds capacity among colleagues and demonstrates service to students, school, district and the profession P.7 - Builds capacity among colleagues and demonstrates service to students, school, district and the profession ** Note that the School Counselor Framework is not as closely aligned to LEAP.