1st Meeting on HIT with Cross-Border Cooperation and Transnational Cooperation Programmes in the Mediterranean Area 17 September 2014 | Milano
Drafting of the Cooperation Programme Investment Priorities/Thematic Objectives selected Submission of the Cooperation Programme Expected Launch of the 1st Call Possible details/expectations of the 1st Call Presentation of Programmes’ State of play Where we are 2
to reach a common understanding of the harmonisation process and tools to clarify the Programme’s position and willingness to harmonise and use common approaches at benefit of the Mediterranean partners to work on sections of the HIT tools (depending on time availability) …and needs Needs from the Programme to ensure a better application and project implementation process What are our objectives? Objectives of the meeting 3
Administrative and Eligibility Criteria HIT as a base for the Programme’s Criteria Quality Assessment Criteria Evaluators’ feedback to be taken into account Application Form HIT AF, to be used as part of the e-MS and/ore to be added to the current Programme MS Eligibility of Expenditures and First Level Control Proposal to Programme bodies (others administrations involved) to use HIT tools Better harmonisation at Programme level Questionnaires’ feedbacks Feedbacks 4
Discussion on eventual need at Mediterranean scale for more focused-on-result projects and thematic focus in the MED Lab Group future activities What are your needs? Don’t be shy and share them with us! Next meetings/steps and further development Further steps 5
Final HIT Meeting Sept 2014 Barcelona Event on Designation Procedure Oct 2014 Brussels Worshop on repayable finance in ETC programmes 23 Oct 2014 Brussels Project Generation and Development 4-5 Nov 2014 Rome Workshop on Project reporting and monitoring Dec 2014 Evaluation Plan setting up December 2014 Next INTERACT Events 6
INTERACT Point TurkuINTERACT Point Valencia INTERACT Point Viborg INTERACT Point ViennaINTERACT Programme Secretariat INTERACT is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) | European Territorial Cooperation Thank you for your attention Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or visit