Ethnic Groups of SWA & NA SSWG3g. Describe the major ethnic and cultural groups in North Africa/Southwest Asia; include major customs and traditions.
Arabs Arabs are the primary ethnic group of SWA & NA Arabs’ religion is primarily Muslim, but there are Jewish & Christian Arabs as well. Arab culture ◦Speak Arabic ◦Family is very important & gender roles are not equal ◦Muslim men often wear turbans; women sometimes wear form of Muslim dress. ◦Homes vary from place to place
Bedouins Bedouins are nomads in the deserts of NA & SWA. They are known for rich oral poetic tradition, their herding lifestyle, emphasis on community and their traditional code of honor. They are considered to be “true Arabs”.
Persians Persians are a non-Arab ethnic group Persians primarily live in Iran (and some of Afghanistan) Persians are primarily Shia Muslim ◦Created Zoroastrianism Culture ◦Speak Farsi ◦Sport of polo, algebra, and our modern road system originated here ◦1001 Arabian Nights ◦Women in Iran wear the veil ◦Men and women are generally equal ◦Known for their rugs and art
Kurds Kurds are a non-Arab ethnic group Kurds primarily live in Turkey, Iran, Syria & Iraq ◦They want their own homeland--Kurdistan Their religion is primarily Sunni Muslim Culture ◦Speak Kurdish ◦Kurdish folklore is about reverence for elders (particularly women), hospitality, courage, valor, and the love of freedom ◦Women are not required to wear the veil & relative equality between men & women ◦Kurds love music, poetry and dancing ◦Primarily farmers & herders
Berbers Berbers are a non-Arab ethnic group Berbers primarily live in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt Their religion is primarily Sunni Muslim Culture ◦Men & women unequal in gender roles ◦Disappearing because they are assimilating with Arabs ◦Primarily spoken language w/many dialects ◦Live in clay huts or goat hair tents in rural areas ◦Primarily herders ◦Couscous
Jews Jews are a religious group living mostly in Israel. Jews claim Palestine as their rightful homeland, but were driven out during the Jewish Diaspora (around 600BC) Early 20 th century, Zionism (or desire for a Jewish homeland) started. ◦This was influenced by the Holocaust In 1948, Jews were given Israel by the UN, forcing Palestinians (Muslim Arabs) who lived there to move to other areas.
Who owns what where? Jews occupy part of Jerusalem (southeast corner), Israel, and part of the Golan Heights. Palestinians occupy the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as well as part of Jerusalem (northeast corner) The Palestinians were forced off their land when Israel was created and there’s still lingering tension between the groups. They both claim that this area is their rightful homeland.
Holy Place Pics Wailing WallDome of the Rock