Oregon Transportation Commission October 14, 2015 OR 99 Rogue Valley Corridor Plan
Corridor Study Area (Garfield St. to South Valley View Road) I-5 – East
3 Background…… Lower current volumes than anticipated; Overall – counts are15-20% lower than 2008 counts; Incomplete pedestrian pathways; Transit Route highest in the Rogue Valley – little or no access to transit stops, many are non-ADA compliant; 80% of sidewalks are either missing or don’t meet ADA standards. More emphasis on Multi-modal aspects from local communities Shift in paradigm: From Auto/Truck centric to Bike/Pedestrian/Transit; Lane reconfigurations from rural 4-lane to 3-lane; Possible Bus Rapid Transit-lite route. Financial Constraints Cost prohibitive to build to full standard (ROW and Utility Relocation)..
Lower volumes throughout…… 15,600 14,900 18,000 18,600 LEGEND 12,800 12,200 15,100 16,100 14,300 13,600 16,800 18,500 4,800 4,600 5,800 6,100 7,700 7,300 8,700 9,500 14,300 13,700 17,500 18,000 15,800 15,000 18,000 18,100 7,200 6,800 8,400 9,300 4,800 4,600 6,200 8,300 7,900 10,000 10,900 9,200 8,800 11,000 10,900 8,200 7,800 10,000 9,800 8,800 8,400 9,300 9,400 18,200 16,600 18,700 19, Volume (vehicles) 2012 Volume (vehicles) 2007 Volume (vehicles) 2004 Volume (vehicles)
Ideas and Concepts Developed from feedback at TAC and CAC meetings and requests for additional analysis from various agencies, in addition to significant feedback from the public. Concepts identified and presented: –Better access to transit facilities; –Improved lighting; –Charlotte Ann Rd to Coleman Creek Culvert – Implement a 5-lane Cross-section and Add Bike Lanes and Sidewalks; –Coleman Creek Crossing - Add Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities; –Phoenix South End of Couplet to South City Limits - Implement a 3-lane Cross-section and Add Bike Lanes and Sidewalks; –Phoenix South City Limits to Talent – Implement a 3- lane Cross-section and Widen Shoulders; –Talent to Ashland – Implement a 3-lane Cross- section and widen shoulders; –Enhanced Bear Creek Greenway Connections and improved signage along the corridor.
6 Charlotte Ann Rd to Coleman Creek Culvert Implement a 5-lane restriped section and add Bike Lanes and Sidewalks Implement a 5-lane restriped section and add Bike Lanes and Sidewalks N 70-foot ROW in many sections; Paved width is 66 to 72 feet; 5 travel lanes ; Transit stop improvements; Volume too high for 3-lane (est. future 17,000 to 22,000 ADT); Restriping is more feasible; Minimal ROW needed for additional sidewalk improvements;
Current Conditions (Medford to Phoenix)…..
8 REAL PEOPLE/REAL IMPACTS: Bob Byram (U.S. Army, Ret.) Photo Credit(s): Gary Leaming, ODOT R3 PIO.
Charlotte Ann Road to Coleman Creek Concept(s): Option A - Lane restriping and sidewalk infill - $4.0 million; Option B - Widening to full standard - $9.7 million; Recommendation: Option A
Phoenix South End of Couplet to South City Limits: Implement a lane conversion adding Bike Lanes and Sidewalk N 75-foot ROW available; Paved width is 50 to 52 feet; 4 travel lanes; Improve existing transit stops; Modify roadway to include: –6-foot bike lanes on both sides; –12-foot travel lanes and 14- foot center lane; Add sidewalks on both sides (could include landscape buffers within ROW). 12' TravelLane 12' TravelLane 6' Bike Lane 6' Sidewalk 6' Bike Lane 6' Sidewalk 14' Center Lane 50'Paved Surface 3 LANE CROSS-SECTION 64' MinimumRight of Way Required
Phoenix South City Limits to Talent Implement a lane conversion and widen shoulders N 70-foot minimum ROW available; Paved width is 50 to 52 feet; 4 travel lanes, no shoulders No change in paved surface Convert to a 3-lane cross section: –7-foot shoulders both sides –12-foot travel lanes and 14-foot center lane Wider shoulders (7-10 feet) accommodate bicyclists or pedestrians and allow vehicles to pull off the roadway, if necessary 3-lane cross-section has lower predicted crash rate than 4-lane cross-section
Current Conditions (South of Phoenix to Talent….)
Enhanced Bear Creek Greenway Connections and Signage N
Other Improvements and considerations……. 1.Transit 1.Possible BRT/BRT Lite concepts 2.Improve efficiencies along corridor (Transit Signal Prioritization) 3.Integrate Bus-pullouts and transit stops along 3-lane segments 2.Phoenix Couplet - Downtown improvements and changes to couplet 1.Reconfigure from 2-lanes either direction to 1-lane 2.Add/improve sidewalks and bike lanes as well as connectivity 3.Improving transit stops on both sides of couplet 3.South Stage Overcrossing 1.Preliminary Analysis – lesson traffic/congestion at Fern Valley and Garfield St. 2.No additional projects needed on OR 99 if constructed. 4.City of Talent/ODOT STIP Project – Rapp to Creel Road 1.STIP - (complete street design, 3-lane configurations (sidewalks and bike lanes) from a Rural 4-lane configuration) 2.Out to bid in 2016 (currently on-hold) 5.Talent to Ashland Segment 1.Repaved in Talent Ave/Jackson County Parks intersection 3. Improved Shoulders
Questions? 15
Thank you. 16