Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


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Presentation transcript:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Depression

“For There is Nothing Good or Bad, but Thinking Makes it So.” --William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Cognitive Distortions/Negative Automatic thoughts. Conceptual Model The Cognitive Triad. Cognitive Distortions/Negative Automatic thoughts. Schemas. An integrated model.

Stages in CBT Development of a conceptual model & educating the client. Cognitive restructuring and behavioral skills. Rehearsal.

Understanding Your Negative Moods Thoughts Situations Feelings Behaviors

Cognitive Techniques Self-monitoring homework. Labeling distortions for clarity. Double standard method. Devise experiments. Questioning evidence for conclusions. Decatastrophizing (What if…?).

Cognitive Techniques (Cont…) Externalization of negative voices. Feared fantasy technique. Examining advantages and disadvantages. Turning adversity to advantage. Use of paradox and/exaggeration. Replacement imagery.

Behavioral Techniques Social skills training. Assertiveness training. Activity scheduling. In vivo exposure. Relaxation training.