Presented by: Christopher Wecks & Mark Helton
Christopher Wecks - Marketing Professional - Columnist - Academic - Travel Enthusiast - Foodie Mark Helton - Theatrical Professional - Karaoke King from coast to coast - Historic Traveler - Restaurant Specialist - First Responder in last week’s Mexicali 7.2 Earthquake
Broken into 2 Main Sections: Figuring out what you want Figuring out what’s stopping you from getting it, and eliminating that.
Anything You Want to have, to do, or to be I want to be a Chef I want to have a Porsche I want to travel around the world Write them down here Now, look at those three goals and ask yourself this question…
We’re going to tell you how to do ANYTHING you want In other words: Don’t say “I want to be in a band” if what YOU REALLY WANT is to be a ROCKSTAR Don’t say “I want to buy a house” if what YOU REALLY WANT is a MANSION
You Don’t have the money? You don’t Know How to get it? Your parents are stopping you? You live in debt? You’ve got too many bills? Your friends won’t go along with it? You’re afraid of something? You don’t have time? It’s not up to you?
Fear. cAsh. “knowBilities” (Knowledge + Abilities) peopLe. timE. - Without F.A.B.L.E., you have nothing in your way - Eliminating F.A.B.L.E. is what we intend to focus on
“I Want to Write a Novel but I’m too busy right now “I’ve got sports, band and college applications, I do not have time to travel”
Tim Ferris, author of the “Four Hour Work Week”
1. “Priorities” – write them down and plan into pieces. Set deadlines for yourself, and set tiny steps to achieve the larger goals. 1.What sort of milestones will get you there. A sum of money? Know-how? 2. Batch Important Tasks together. 3. Eliminate projects that don’t make sense for you. 4. We’re NOT saying eliminate fun, friends, or family. After all, if you like it, it belongs on your important list! Put those on your list.
For now, take your three goals, and write down the steps achieve them Put deadlines on those steps. I want to travel to France. STEPS I CAN TAKE RIGHT NOW: I will research my ideal France trip, and cost out the entire thing BY WEDNESDAY The sooner the better. Don’t let yourself wait around for a deadline. If you can do it now, tear that bandaid off and do it!
My Parents won’t let me. My friends won’t help me My teacher isn’t cooperating My college won’t accept me
Rule #1 – [Bracketing] Ask for MORE than you want, NOT LESS, when you’re afraid you might not get what you want. Rule #2 – [Understand] the other person’s objection to what you are asking for, and attempt to alleviate their concern while keeping exactly what you want Rule #6– Settle the final offer, and then stick to it. Rule #4 – If possible, pretend that you are negotiating on [someone else’s behalf]. (this works great with travel agents) Rule #5– Practice [walking away]. Come back near a deadline. Rule #3 – Ask the other person to [negotiate with themselves] first.
Rule #1 – [Bracketing] Ask for MORE than you want, NOT LESS, when you’re afraid you might not get what you want.
Rule #2 – [Understand] the other person’s objection to what you are asking for, and attempt to alleviate their concern while keeping exactly what you want
Rule #3 – Ask the other person to [negotiate with themselves] first.
Rule #4 – If possible, pretend that you are negotiating on [someone else’s behalf]. (this works great with travel agents)
Rule #5– Practice [walking away]. Come back near a deadline.
Rule #6– Settle the final offer, and then stick to it.
You either don’t know something OR you don’t know how to do something I want to be a Rock star, but I can’t play the guitar, and I don’t know the steps to take from being in a band to FAMOUS I want to travel to the moon, but I don’t know how to get into that program, or even if there’s an active program to do that I don’t know what my college is looking for exactly. How do I know what to write on my personal statement essay?
Who knows how to be a millionaire, an astronaut, a guitar player, a rock star, and more? The people who did those things. Remember to plan your own steps to success, and then when you’re stuck, ask the right people the right questions If lessons are required (e.g. playing guitar) then seek out PROFESSIONALS that can teach you
Big Deal. Getting anything you want means doing whatever it takes to get it. Phone Numbers for almost any celebrity, athlete, or public figure are easily attained. In fact, let’s prove it…via
Chris Gardner
There are a million and one ways to make a million dollars. But very few of these ways will still give you enough time to work on your FABLE sheet How much cash do I need? Use your FABLE sheet to determine this. Don’t know how much it costs? Ask someone who’s done it recently.
Introducing The Least Time Consuming Way to Make Money…The MUSE. A MUSE is a business that runs itself (mostly) Timothy Ferris (mentioned earlier) talks about it in his book.
1. Brainstorm groups of people that you know a lot about, that share a very specific interest. 2. Find a means of talking to everyone like this (magazines, internet sites, etc.) 3. Brainstorm 3 things that they would buy if it existed, or if it was better than what currently exists
4. Create a 1 Page Web Page (or have an expert do it) talking about the product you want to sell. (cost $2-$10 per month) with pricing for the product to click through. 5. On the click through page, put “I’m sorry, the product is currently on backorder. We will contact you as soon as it becomes available” 6. After one week, how’d you do? How many did you sell? 7. Enough to meet your goals? Great! Not enough? Retool with pricing and wording.
Fear is different It’s inside you It’s irrational It has to be trained away
The following exercises are designed to test what you’re uncomfortable with. We’ve left some spaces open for you to add your own. Practice one each week throughout the week
Further Resources Websites Use this to find experts to ask good questions. This class website: Use this to download electronic, expanded versions of documents you received today Books The 4-Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferris Use this for tips on overcoming time and money The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey Use this as your guide for overcoming time Us Your assignment – monthly progress reports to us on how you are doing meeting your milestones, and overcoming your comfort challenges. Contact Us! - Chris - Mark