U NITED S TATES C ONSTITUTION KentoriousHernandez 3rd
S ENATE -Elections: held every six years -Two senators from each state -Choose their officers -Have the sole power to try all impeachments -When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.
ARTICLE I Age: must be at :least 30 years old -Residency: must live in the state you are chosen to represent -Citizenship: must be a United States Citizens for at leas 9 years
A RTICLE II : E XECUTIVE B RANCH Consists of the President and Vice-President Qualifications: -Age: must be at least 35 years old -Residency: must live in the United States for at least 14 years -Citizenship: must be a natural – born citizen
A RTICLE III J UDICIAL Supreme Court Needed to decide disputes between state government and between citizens of two or more states. Also needed for disputes between the national government and state or citizen. Appointed by the President for life or until they retire Two types of jurisdiction: original jurisdiction