By Nicole Piazza
What are the risk factors?? There are several different contributions that lead up to osteoporosis. Women tend to get it more often then men. Women tend to get it more often then men. More common in older people. More common in older people. Most people that have small bones or are really thin get it more often then someone who is heavier. Most people that have small bones or are really thin get it more often then someone who is heavier. Occurs different ethnicities, usually people of Caucasian, Asian and Latino more then African backgrounds. Occurs different ethnicities, usually people of Caucasian, Asian and Latino more then African backgrounds. People who have broken at least one bone as an adult. People who have broken at least one bone as an adult. Lack of calcium and other vitamins. Lack of calcium and other vitamins.
Other things that can lead to Osteoporosis AIDS/HIV AIDS/HIV Ankylosing spondylitis Ankylosing spondylitis Blood and bone marrow disorders Blood and bone marrow disorders Breast cancer Breast cancer Cushing’s syndrome Cushing’s syndrome Eating disorders Eating disorders Emphysema Emphysema Female athlete triad Female athlete triad Gastrectomy Gastrectomy Gastrointestinal bypass procedures Gastrointestinal bypass procedures Hyperparathyroidism Hyperparathyroidism Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism Idiopathic scoliosis Idiopathic scoliosis Inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory bowel disease Diabetes mellitus Diabetes mellitus Kidney disease Kidney disease Lupus Lupus Lymphoma and leukemia Lymphoma and leukemia Malabsorption syndromes (examples are celiac disease and Crohn’s disease) Malabsorption syndromes (examples are celiac disease and Crohn’s disease) Multiple myeloma Multiple myeloma Multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis Organ transplants Organ transplants Parkinson’s disease Parkinson’s disease Poor diet Poor diet Post-polio syndrome Post-polio syndrome Premature menopause Premature menopause Prostate cancer Prostate cancer Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis
Continued…. Severe liver disease (including biliary cirrhosis) Severe liver disease (including biliary cirrhosis) Spinal cord injuries Spinal cord injuries Stroke (CVA) Stroke (CVA) Thalassemia Thalassemia Thyrotoxicosis Thyrotoxicosis Weight loss Weight loss
What are the symptoms Symptoms include - Loss of height as a result of weakened spines. A person may find that his/her clothes are no longer fitting and their pants looking longer. Patients may loose as much as 6 inches in height. - Loss of height as a result of weakened spines. A person may find that his/her clothes are no longer fitting and their pants looking longer. Patients may loose as much as 6 inches in height. - Cramps in the legs at night - Cramps in the legs at night - Bone pain and tenderness - Bone pain and tenderness Discomfort in the neck other than from injury or trauma - Persistent pain in the spine or muscles of the lower back. Discomfort in the neck other than from injury or trauma - Persistent pain in the spine or muscles of the lower back.pain
Continues - Neck pain - Neck painNeck painNeck pain - Abdominal pain - Abdominal pain - Tooth loss - Tooth loss - Rib pain - Rib pain - Broken bones - Broken bones - Spinal deformities become evident like stooped posture, an outward curve at the top of the spine as a result of developing a vertebral collapse on the back. - Spinal deformities become evident like stooped posture, an outward curve at the top of the spine as a result of developing a vertebral collapse on the back. - Fatigue - Fatigue - Periodontal disease - Periodontal diseasePeriodontal diseasePeriodontal disease - Brittle fingernails - Brittle fingernails
Calcium. Calcium helps keep bones strong to prevent osteoporosis. If you do have Osteoporosis then it help rebuild the bones and keep them from breaking. Calcium helps keep bones strong to prevent osteoporosis. If you do have Osteoporosis then it help rebuild the bones and keep them from breaking.
Vitamin D Vitamin D is found in most dairy products. It prevents most people from getting a bad case of Osteoporosis and other health problems such as High Blood Pressure, cancer and other autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D is found in most dairy products. It prevents most people from getting a bad case of Osteoporosis and other health problems such as High Blood Pressure, cancer and other autoimmune diseases.
Sugar and Fat Sugars and Fats can cause Cholesterol which can build up in your blood stream and break down your immune system. Sugars and Fats can cause Cholesterol which can build up in your blood stream and break down your immune system.
An appropriate diet for someone with osteoporosis An appropriate diet for someone with Osteoporosis includes a lot of Vitamin D and Calcium. these foods might be cheese, milk, yogurt and ice cream. Foods with Vitamin D are fruits such as apples and melons. An appropriate diet for someone with Osteoporosis includes a lot of Vitamin D and Calcium. these foods might be cheese, milk, yogurt and ice cream. Foods with Vitamin D are fruits such as apples and melons.
Prevention and Treatment Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D Get your daily recommended amounts of calcium and vitamin D Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise Engage in regular weight-bearing exercise Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health Talk to your healthcare provider about bone health When appropriate, have a bone density test and take medication When appropriate, have a bone density test and take medication There is no real prevention. There is no real prevention. To help the doctor might give you a prescription to help with swelling and pain. Calcium is recommended at all times. To help the doctor might give you a prescription to help with swelling and pain. Calcium is recommended at all times.
Sources – National Osteoporosis foundation. – National Osteoporosis foundation.