Michigan Model Lesson 4- Nutrition
Unhealthy and Unsafe Smoking Laxatives Diet pills Fasting purging
Is weight the best indicator of Fitness and health? No, It is more important than body weight is: eating nutritious food exercise regularly feeling good
When a person Has too little body fat, due to dieting May become ill because no energy available if person can’t eat May have very little energy and tire easily Not getting enough of essential nutrients Females may irregular periods or no period at all EXTREME THINNESS MAY BE A SIGNAL OF AN UNHEALTHY EATING PATTERN OR AN EATING DISORDER
Unhealthy Eating Patterns Anorexia Bulimia Overeating
Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa – Starvation sickness Person is obsessed with food, weight, thinness Refuse to eat and denies they are hungry Have an intense fear of body fat and weight gain They are never too thin
Warning Signs of Anorexia Abnormal weight loss Depression Moodiness Seeing self fat even when thin Refusing to eat Avoiding social situations where food is involved Exercising excessively
Bulimia Nervosa Eating disorder involving a person that gorges themselves then – usually on high calorie foods and then purge (vomit) or uses laxatives or diuretics
Warning Signs Large fluctuations in weight Disappearing after eating Feeling out of control when eating Eating enormous meals without gaining weight Feeling ashamed or depressed after eating Dependence on diet pills Eating secretly
Problems From Bulimia Dental problems from stomach acid Chipmunk cheeks Broken blood vessels in the eyes
Statistics Many people go back and forth between anorexia and bulimia 1 in 100 pre-teens and teens girls will be anorexic 1 in 10 will die from its affects: Starvation, heart failure, or suicide form depression 5-20% will die from complications of eating disorder
Causes of Eating Disorders Stresses in life Society’s perception of body image
Eating Disorder More Common In Women Than Men Media portrays perfect body image more for women than men Males are not immune
Why People Overeat Enjoy social atmosphere that involves food Take minds off other issues Soothe unpleasant emotions Habit of eating large portions or eat often
What To Do Talk to person about your concern Ask for help form family, friends Talk to counselor or health professional
Warning Signs of Unhealthy eating Patterns See Transperancy