¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Sra. Fahy
¿Quién es Señora Fahy? Teresa Fahy Teacher of Spanish. 13 years. Student of Spanish: 20 years and counting…. Navy analyst for 10.5 years. Husband: Theodore (Panamanian/American). Mother and grandmother. Lived in Japan, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Brazil, Have traveled to Ecuador and Mexico and Puerto Rico, England and Spain. Bachelor of Science: Spanish/Business. Currently pursuing Masters in Educational Leadership, Management and Policy at Seton Hall University.
How will students be graded? Tests/Major Assessments: 50% Quizzes/Minor Assessments: 25% Homework: 20% Class Participation 5%
Grades on Report Card 90 - 100 Excellent 80 - 89 above Average 65 – 69 Below Average Below 65 - Failing
Materials needed for class. Pencils and Pens (black/blue), highlighter. Spanish Binder/Notebooks for keeping handouts/taking notes. Textbook (covered) USB/Flash/Thumb drive Earphones (computer lab days)
What will students learn this year? Reinforce the basic structure of the Spanish language Speak about themselves: Polite exchanges Daily activities Past/present/future Family and friends Community and School Culture
Class Rule RESPECT
Respect yourselves: Come dressed like and act like ladies and gentlemen. Respect each other: Treat each other with kindness and dignity. Help each other. Respect the classroom environment: Arrive on time. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged instead of shouting out Be silent and attentive while others are speaking, etc. Be on task during individual and partner activities. These behaviors ensure a calm environment in which every student can learn. No one can learn in chaos.
Extra Help I can give extra help after school during the tutorial period. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, there is a late bus. The late bus times and routes are posted on the HS website. I can stay on other days if students have transportation home. Students must make an appointment. Or at lunch, before school or at another time– by appointment! Sign up on the extra help board.
Otra Información My email is: fahyt@warrenhils.org. This is the fastest way to communicate with me. Email me at any time you have a question or concern. Voicemail: Dial the school main number: 908-689-3050 then: Ext: 3526. Webpage: Go to WHHS website, Faculty then Fahy Online textbook: my.hrw.com (students will be issued a logon ID and password) International Club: A lunchtime club that explores world cultures and meets in Room 106 during lunch every other Thursday.
I am so happy to be teaching Spanish to you this year! I believe every student is capable of being successful in Spanish regardless of past experiences. And will do everything in my power to help you succeed!