Color, Trace Fossils, Weathering, and Soils Causes of Color Common Trace Fossils Weathering Processes - Physical Weathering - Chemical Weathering Weathering Products - Soils - Paleosols Text: Manual p. 15, 89; Boggs Ch.1,
Causes of Color yellowgoethite, jarositecement brownFe-oxidescement redFe-oxidescement, coatings purplehematite (coarse)cement pinkK-feldspar, hematitecement, framework whitekaolinite, gypsum, no organics cement, bleaching greenglauconite, chlorite, illitecement, framework blackorganics, oil, heavy minerals, pyrite, Mn-oxide cement, framework colormineraloccurrence
Color, Trace Fossils, Weathering, and Soils Causes of Color Common Trace Fossils Weathering Processes - Physical Weathering - Chemical Weathering Weathering Products - Soils - Paleosols Text: Manual p. 15, 89; Boggs Ch.1,
Trace Fossils Ichnofacies (Boggs, p. 118) Environment
Color, Trace Fossils, Weathering, and Soils Causes of Color Common Trace Fossils Weathering Processes - Physical Weathering - Chemical Weathering Weathering Products - Soils - Paleosols Text: Manual p. 15, 89; Boggs Ch.1,
Physical Weathering no change in mineral / chemical composition Physical Weathering: Break-down rock into smaller pieces
Physical Weathering 1. Granite 2. Partially-Weathered Granite 3. Granite Grus
roots / lichens freeze-thaw wet-dry hot-cold Physical Weathering
Exfoliation Enchanted Rock batholith
Physical Weathering Spheroidal Weathering Costa Rica
Physical Weathering Painted Desert, Utah Gullying
Bryce Canyon Physical Weathering
Chemical Weathering alter chemical and mineral composition disrupt fabrics Chemical Weathering: Dissolution and/or crystallization of new minerals
Chemical Weathering Feldspar + H + + H 2 O kaolinite + silicic acid + K + or Na 2+ Hydrolysis: H + breaks down silicates
Chemical Weathering pyrite Oxidation / Reduction: O alters Fe silicates and S minerals pyrite pyrite hematite silicate mineral Fe-oxide
Chemical Weathering Fe-oxide Stains (E. McBride) Bastrop, TX
Chemical Weathering Solution: dissolve in water pyrite (E McBride) Limestone Karen Rills calcite / dolomite gypsum halite
Physical/Chemical Weathering bench slope cliff Differential Weathering Grand Canyon
Physical/Chemical Weathering Differential Weathering “Toadstools” Utah
Physical/Chemical Weathering Differential Weathering burrows
Color, Trace Fossils, Weathering, and Soils Causes of Color Common Trace Fossils Weathering Processes - Physical Weathering - Chemical Weathering Weathering Products - Soils - Paleosols Text: Manual p. 15, 89; Boggs Ch.1,
clastic sediments residues (source rock) secondary minerals ions in solution Weathering Products Soils and Sed. Rocks
Weathering Products Terrigenous Clastic Sediments
Weathering Products Evaporites Death Valley, CA Chemical Sediments courtesy Matt Campbell Cements (M. Campbell)
Soils mineral residues rock fragments organics Horizons Soil Profile
Soils Horizons Soil Profile O - organic matter A - topmost mineral horizon E - (eluvial) leaching B - (illuvial) accumulation C - weathered bedrock R - bedrock
Soils bedrock time climate topography
Pedocal Soils Pedalfer Soils 30 inches of rain per year Soils
color texture structure consistency contacts
Soils Texture
FIGURE 3-26FIGURE 3-26 FIGURE 3-28FIGURE 3-28 FIGURE 3-30FIGURE 3-30 FIGURE 3-29FIGURE 3-29 columnar crumb platy blocky Soils Structure
ClassesDescription Non-plastic A roll 4 cm long and 6 mm thick that supports its own weight held on end cannot be formed. Slightly plastic A roll 4 cm long and 6 mm thick can be formed and, if held on end, will support its own weight. A roll 4 mm thick will not support its own weight. Moderately plastic A roll 4 cm long and 4 mm thick can be formed and will support its own weight, but a roll 2 mm thick will not support its own weight. Very plastic A roll 4 cm long and 2 mm thick can be formed and will support its own weight. Consistency: Plasticity Soils
Standard USDA Soil Description Form Soils
Color, Trace Fossils, Weathering, and Soils Causes of Color Common Trace Fossils Weathering Processes - Physical Weathering - Chemical Weathering Weathering Products - Soils - Paleosols Text: Manual p. 15, 89; Boggs Ch.1,
colors (red, green, purple) root casts caliche vertical streaks mottled bedding
Paleosols Paleosols Painted Desert, AZ
Root Casts Paleosol, near Hunt, TX Paleosols
vertical streaks (bleaching) (E. McBride) Paleosol Bastrop, TX
Paleosols (E. McBride) “terra rossa” fill
Reference Soil Survey Manual, 1993, Soil Conservation Service, USDA Handbook 18.