Building Cooperative Relationships With Dental School Administrators Naomi Sever San Antonio District 9 Trustee
INTRODUCTION The Importance of Having a Good Relationship With the Administration TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More
TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Communication Cooperation ASDA mentor/liaison Community/Philanthropy Activities Social Activities Teamwork
COOPERATION Administration Events Travel Communication! Other Organizations Examples
ASDA MENTOR/LIAISON Who to Choose Strong student advocate How to Choose Clear & open communication Positive Faculty Member Organized Dentistry
COMMUNITY/PHILANTHROPY Community Service Partner with administrators Get other organizations involved--TEAM Excellent public relations for your dental school Examples
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Student Body Include all dental related schools Some for ASDA members only Faculty Alumni Developing Short and Long-Term Relationships
TAKE HOME…… Develop a Plan Now Use your Resources National Leaders Other ASDA Chapters Your Local Chapter **COMMUNICATION
TEAM WORK “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” ~Helen Keller