Cecilia Bados Instructional Reading Coach Jack Lowe Elementary Honduras
How did we do this: ◦ Ask my administrators and my librarian for their support. ◦ I had to find out what teachers knew about the program. ◦ I called Earning by Learning for their support ◦ 1 on 1”honest-Talks” with each of my teachers.
Responses ◦ “I don’t have time.” ◦ “I don’t know how to”
Building a relationship of trust is the KEY element for instructional coaches.
Come up with a plan ◦ We created student’s AR folders. ◦ We created AR walls to motivate students. Take the teachers by the hand and do it together with them.
This School Year ◦ We are rolling the program school wide. ◦ Monthly competition per grade level. ◦ The winners will get a trophy and we will hang a flag outside their doors.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” ― Helen KellerHelen Keller