Roles of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All (EFA) for Teacher Motivation Working Group Workshop, CIES March 2015 Hiromichi Katayama International Task Force on Teachers for EFA
Brief overview of the Teacher Task Force First voluntary international network of EFA partners combining their efforts to address the teacher gap, created at the 8th meeting of the EFA High-Level Group held in Oslo (Norway) in December Including governments (all regions), inter-governmental organizations, NGOs, private sector and foundations Financially supported by Norway and European Commission Objectives: Coordination, advocacy and knowledge sharing to reduce: … around six themes: 1.Teacher education and professional development 2.Teachers’ status and working conditions 3.Teacher management 4.Financing teachers and teaching 5.Monitoring and evaluation of teacher policies and practices 6.Inclusion and equity in teacher policies and practices Policy gapCapacity gap Finance gap
Teacher Task Force Members 70 Countries: Africa (35), Europe and N.America (13), Asia (11), Arab states (5), LAC (6) 31 Organizations: o Inter-governmental organizations (ADEA, European Commission, Education International, GPE, ILO, Commonwealth Secretariat, OIF, UNESCO, UNICEF, UNRWA) o NGOs (Save the Children, VSO International, Teach for All) o Private sector and foundations (Hamdan Award, Orange) Partnership with research institutions/researchers o Open University, Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE)- Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa), Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Network, Teacher Motivation Working Group (CIES)
Teacher Task Force Strategic Plan 3 main line of actions: Examples of planned activities (2015) Prepare International Thematic Report on Teachers 2015 focusing on requirements for teaching profession (25 countries) Launch Teacher Management Program in Fragile States Organize the International Conference on Contractual Teachers in Africa Organize the International Policy Dialogue Forum (LAC) Publish the Teacher Policy Development Guide and prepare its training modules Chair the Technical Reference Group (TRG) on Teacher Effectiveness of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Provide technical assistance for the articulation of post-2015 teacher target and its monitoring Advocacy and coordination with global initiatives Knowledge creation and dissemination Facilitation for countries to access to technical support
Engagement of teacher organizations in policymaking
Post-2015 Teacher-related Target Muscat Agreement, Global EFA Meeting (2014): Target 6: By 2030, all governments ensure that all learners are taught by qualified, professionally-trained, motivated and well-supported teachers Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals Target 4.c: By 2030, increase by x% the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially LDCs and SIDS Follow-up actions after the World Education Forum (May 2015): Strategic actions, Monitoring mechanism, Indicators
Policy Dialogue Forum December 2014, Rabat, Morocco Theme: Teachers in Post-2015 International Education Agenda: What policies, practices and tools for teacher-related target? 3 sub-themes: o Inclusion and equity in teacher policies and practices o Innovation in teaching and teacher education o Professional status of teachers Structure: o Presentation and review of 12 country cases o Questions discussed: What key issues the country cases have sought to address? How are the policies developed and implemented? How is the policy implementation monitored and evaluated? o Recommendations for the Framework for Action (for the teacher target of the post-2015 education agenda)
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