May 21-May 25 South Africa
South Africa…The Journey Begins Table of Contents: South Africa (Travel Itinerary 3)…………..15 Do Now: What do you know about South Africa? If you do not know anything, what questions do you have about this country? 15L
All this week is South Africa Agenda: Advertisement Presentations are Today! Brochure: Due 6/4-6/5 (Italy, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) Writing Assignment: You will be writing a paper connecting what you lean about the problems I South Africa to themes we have seen in the text. South Africa (Background-Apartheid) Novel:
South Africa: A glimpse…
Novel: Describe what happened to Miguel and his family. What happened after the death of Santos and Indio? What does this mean for Luis? Who is Mr. Humes? Why does his comment spark violence? Do you think Luis and his friends reacted in a just way? What part of the plot do you think the story is in? (Remember the steps of a plot) Choose three descriptive words the author uses to create mood. List the words, describe the mood created by the use of the word.
Intro to Apartheid Table of Contents: Apartheid Connections………………16 Do Now: What are some of the major themes we have encountered in class novels? What social problems are there in the U.S, that deal with these themes? 16L
Apartheid: The plague of South Africa Agenda: Travel Brochure DUE: 6/4-6/5 Introduction to Apartheid: Power-point+ Journal + Video Clip
Apartheid Media
Connections What connections can you start to make between what happened in South Africa and the themes and events seen in To Kill a Mockingbird and Always Running?
Apartheid Continued Table of Contents: Apartheid Continued……………….17 What have you learned so far about apartheid? How does the issue of apartheid connect to issues we have encountered in class novels? (Please use complete sentences and explain your response) 17L
Apartheid Agenda: Travel Brochure DUE 6/4-6/5 Expository Essay Read/Discuss (in partners) Sarafina (Start) Written Assignment: After viewing the video and reading the essays, complete a written assignment that compares and contrasts the Civil Rights movement as well as themes encountered in previous class texts to the issue of apartheid. Due 6/11-6/12
Partner Work: Prep for film In partners: 1. Read through the essay 2. Write a brief summary highlighting the main points of the essay. 3. If reading Bantu: What requirements did the government force on black South Africans? How was Bantu education different from education for whites? Why do you think the government chose to educate black South Africans differently? 4. If reading Soweto Uprising: Who are the key people involved in the uprising? Why were these students challenging the government? What was the result?
Film Sarafina: The plot centers around the students involved in the Soweto student uprising. The students were in opposed to the many restrictions on education for black South Africans. This is a musical highlighting real events that were a direct result of the injustice of apartheid.