OpenEMR: Basic Billing Based on OpenEMR 4.1 Laboratory Informatics Institute January 2014
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Billing Reports Generating Claims Generating HCFA forms
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Only administrators, authorized users, and those with the access control accounting, can access the billing display. Login with you credentials. Select fees, billing from the menu on the left. You can use the search tool to choose the appropriate encounter.
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Billing report automatically displays all the billable encounters from the day. The search tool can be used to look for a different date, if you select date of service from the criteria menu. Clicking the check box to the right of an encounter will enable a series of buttons for generating claims.
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Select multiple encounters to generate batches of claims. Click generate X12 to generate a claim appropriate to send to a clearinghouse. On the confirmation box that comes up, clicking OK will mark the item as cleared. Next save the file on the save file display that pops up.
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Once the file has been saved, click view log to ensure the file was generated correctly. You will see errors displayed in the log, if there were errors, or a notation that the generation was successful if there are no errors. Select billing status to see the status. Click the red x to remove this encounter from unbilled, or click billing status and select all, then refresh the list to see the updated status.
OpenEMR: Basic Billing Click expand next to the encounter to see the details. Check the box on the right of the encounter and click generate CMS 1500 PDF. View the form in the PDF viewer, or print it on a CMS 1500 form, depending on how your system is configured. Return to the billing report and click update list, to see the billing status of the encounter.