Services 1 CS440
What is a Service? Component that runs on background Context.startService(), asks the system to schedule work for the service, to be run until the service or someone else explicitly stop itContext.startService() Facility for application to expose to other apps Context.bindService(), allows a long-standing connection to be made to the service in order to interact with it. Context.bindService() Not a separate process Not a thread CS440 2
IntentService Used to perform a certain task in the background Once done it terminates itself automatically Example: download a certain resources from the Internet. CS440 3
IBinder Used by the activity to communicate with the Service. CS440 4
Create a simple local service Start a new android project named SimpleService Create a service class that extends This service just displays a message when started and again displays a message when stopped. Hence theonStart() and onDestroy() methods are implemented Use Toast with a long message display to display messages CS440 5
Create a simple local service An entry for this service needs to be made in the AndroidManifest.xml file: CS440 6
Create a simple local service We need to be able to invoke this service, i.e., start the service and stop the service. Write an activity that can start and stop the service. This activity is called SimpleServiceActivity It can have a button to start the service It can also have a button to end the service Do not forget the OnClickListeners!!! CS440 7
References article.html article.html CS440 8