IT’S EOC TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOCUS UP!! BUCKLE DOWN!! TRY NOT TO BE ABSENT!! WORK HARD! GET REST! This is a marathon… not a sprint… You after EOC
Our Plan of Attack Mini lessons Item sampler practice test and review Practice test on computers Grammar practice on computers Reading comprehension practice
Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
Deductive Reasoning General Specific to 1.All men are mortal. 2.Socrates is a man. 3.Therefore, Socrates is mortal. 1.All women like chocolate. 2.Ms. Rathmann is a woman. 3.Therefore, Ms. Rathmann likes chocolate.
Inductive Reasoning Specific General to 1.My mom likes chocolate. 2.My sister likes chocolate. 3.Therefore, all women like chocolate.
Try it! 1.All students eat pizza. Claire is a student at UT. Therefore, Claire eats pizza. Deductive!
2. All athletes work out in the gym. Barry Bonds is an athlete. Therefore, Barry Bonds works out in the gym. Deductive!
3. My niece cries. My niece is a baby. All babies cry. Inductive!
4. Dogs like dog bones. My pet is a dog. My pet, Simon, likes dog bones. Deductive