Afrikaans Hallo Albanian Mirëdita Arabic Ahalan Armenian Parev Asturian hola Azerbaijani Salam Basque Kaixo Bengali Ei Je Bosnian Zdravo Breton Demat.


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Presentation transcript:

Afrikaans Hallo Albanian Mirëdita Arabic Ahalan Armenian Parev Asturian hola Azerbaijani Salam Basque Kaixo Bengali Ei Je Bosnian Zdravo Breton Demat Bulgarian Zdravei Catalan Hola Creole Alo Croatian Bok Czech Ahoj Danish Goddag Dutch Hallo Esperanto Saluton Estonian Tere Farsi Sa'lam Finnish Hei French Bonjour Frisian Goeie Galician Olá German Guten Tag Greek gia'sou Gujarati hello Hawaiian Aloha Hebrew shalom Hindi namaste Holooe Pêng-an Hungarian Jó napot Icelandic Halló Ido Bona jorno Indonesian Halo Interlingua Salute! Irish Dia dhuit Italian Salve Japanese Kon-nichiwa Korean An-nyong Ha-se-yo Latin Salve Latvian Sveicina-ts Lithuanian Sveiki Malaysian helo Mandarin Ni hao Marshallese Iakwe Norwegian Hallo Occitan Adieu Polish Dzien' dobry Europortuguese Olá Portuguese Olá Romanian Bunã ziua Russian Zdravstvuyte Serbian Zdravo Sesotho Helele Slovak Ahoj Slovenian Zxivjo Spanish Hola Swahili Jambo Swedish Hej Tagalog Kumusta Thai sa-wat-dee Turkish merhaba Ukrainian vitayu Welsh Hylo Vietnamese Xin chào Xhosa Molo Yiddish sholem aleychem Zulu sawubona HELLO

Agenda Welcome Welcome Inclusion activity Inclusion activity Review Acceptance Packet Review Acceptance Packet Before you leave Before you leave Sign up for counseling appointment Sign up for counseling appointment Turn in acceptance packet tonight or at counseling appointment Turn in acceptance packet tonight or at counseling appointment Turn in nametags Turn in nametags Sign up at volunteer table Sign up at volunteer table Activities around the room Activities around the room

Welcome Name tags, restrooms, refreshments Name tags, restrooms, refreshments Excited to be underway Excited to be underway Construction ongoing Construction ongoing Board approved Board approved Curriculum development ongoing Curriculum development ongoing

Meet 4 Build community Build community Strengthen network of neighbors Strengthen network of neighbors Meet one family around you now Meet one family around you now Meet three other families tonight Meet three other families tonight

Acceptance Packet Parent Contract Parent Contract Student Contract Student Contract Parent Participation Parent Participation Dress Standards Dress Standards Contact Information Contact Information

Counseling Appointment Classes Classes Meet the families Meet the families Talk about student interests/goals Talk about student interests/goals Traditional Calendar – starts 8/27 Traditional Calendar – starts 8/27

Parent Volunteer 20 hours per year 20 hours per year Variety of ways to satisfy Variety of ways to satisfy You or a sponsor You or a sponsor

Dress Standards WHS dress code WHS dress code Expectation to exceed Expectation to exceed Presentation dress Presentation dress

Technology Access to technology on campus Access to technology on campus Option to purchase your own Option to purchase your own Minimum specifications Minimum specifications Vendors Vendors

Registration Packet Must be completed and submitted to guarantee your spot Must be completed and submitted to guarantee your spot Turn in tonight in box Turn in tonight in box Turn in to counselor at meeting Turn in to counselor at meeting

Breakout Sessions Math Activity Math Activity Business Activity Business Activity Interact/FBLA Interact/FBLA Curriculum Curriculum Parent Advisory Board Parent Advisory Board

Thank you Afrikaans Dankie Cantonese Do jeh Mandarin Xie xie Czech Dêkuji Danish Tak Finnish Kiitos French Merci German Danke Greek Efharisto Hebrew Toda Hindi Sukria Indonesian Termi kasih Italian Grazie Japanese Arigato Korean Kamsa hamnida Norwegian Takk Polish Dziekuje Portuguese Obrigado Russian Spasibo Spanish Gracias Sri Lanka Istutiy Swahili Asante Swedish Tack Thai Kawp-kun krap/ka‘ Turkish Tesekkür ederim