President’s Report Faculty Senate Meeting September 18, 2014 President's Report1
New Slate of Officers Past President: Mark Fitch (Civil, Arch & Environ Engr) President: Martin Bohner (Mathematics & Statistics) President-Elect: Melanie Mormile (Biological Sciences) Secretary: Steven Grant (Electrical & Computer Engr) Parliamentarian: Bruce McMillin (Computer Science) September 18, 2014President's Report2
Resolution Whereas Professor Fitch has served the Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate in as Parliamentarian, in as President-Elect, and in as President; Whereas, as an Officer of the Faculty Senate, Professor Fitch has demonstrated consistent dedicated, well-judged, thoughtful, and hard work; Whereas, Professor Fitch's leadership skills have helped lead the campus through a period of transition to Colleges; Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the Missouri University of Science and Technology does hereby sincerely thank Professor Fitch for every job well done and wish him continued success in his future endeavors. Adopted this 18th day of September, 2014, at the meeting of the Missouri University of Science and Technology Faculty Senate. September 18, 2014President's Report3
Administrative Assistant Ashley McCarter Jeannie Werner Resolution The S&T Faculty Senate thanks Jeannie Werner for her administrative assistance in the two academic years and and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors. September 18, 2014President's Report4
Administrative Changes Robert Marley, Provost. Ian Ferguson, Vice Provost and Dean, College of Engineering and Computing. Stephen Roberts, Vice Provost and Dean, College of Arts, Sciences, and Business. VPAA office is disappearing. September 18, 2014President's Report5
Intercampus Faculty Council S&T Representatives are Mark Fitch, Martin Bohner, and Melanie Mormile. IFC Retreat was on August 19/20. Next IFC Meeting on September 25. Benefit changes (focus on health care and wellness initiatives) – see presentation later today by Renetta Gallup. September 18, 2014President's Report6
Intercampus Faculty Council Title IX related CRR changes – see “New Business” later today. Title IX is a portion of the United States Education Amendments of 1972 and it says: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Task force on enterprise resource planning (ERP) software optimization – work in progress (PeopleSoft, …) September 18, 2014President's Report7
Intercampus Faculty Council Established Taskforce in order to revisit tenure and post-tenure review. S&T’s representative on Taskforce: Melanie Mormile. Workload Policy Taskforce has completed its work, now implementation is needed. September 18, 2014President's Report8